Autor: Meistro S.
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I get this error as soon as I press the "update" button.
"An error has occurred.
This application will be closed and the Project file will be saved in a temporary copy that can be restored at startup"
Then 10 seconds later, I get this error:
Error while updating: 406
It was not possible to install the files on your computer. Please verify that all programs are closed and restart the update.
The only program running is Website X5 when I press the "update" button.
Gepostet am
Hi Mark S.,
If you have difficulty to update the program, getting the error 406, we kindly ask you to take following considerations:
1. First of all, an anti-virus program or firewall may block the necessary connections to the program. Please, disable those programs and try to update again.
2. Furthermore, please make sure that you do not belong to a corporate network or to a network protected by Proxy.
3. Another solution is to restart your computer. Please, close all programs that will open at the startup. After that, you should open the installation folder of the sopftware and launch the file "imUpdate.exe". This operation will "force" the update. Furthermore, if you use Windows vista/7/8, please remember to do this with a right mouse click selecting "Run as administrator".
IIf the error message will still be shown, we suggest to download the updated program from your profile page on WebSite X5 Answers ans select the section "My downloads". This way you can uninstall and reinstall the program which is already updated.
I hope this could help you,