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Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

Как подключить  ru

Autor: Valeriy Khalif
Besucht 3752, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Как можно подключить онлайн платежную систему Если можно объяснить с примером.

How can I connect online payment system If can be explained with an example.

Gepostet am
Claudio D.

Hello Valeriy,

You need to get from 2checkout the HTML code to add this payment system in the cart and then you go to step 4 - shopping cart - and then you open the order management tab and you choose to add a new payment type. Once added you need to select it and click on edit and in the new window you open the "type" tab and then you select pay now and from the dropdown list you select custom code.

In this way you will be able to paste the code you got from 2checkout.

In the code you will need to add the variable [PRICE] so the program fills it with the price to pay and [ORDER_NO] to add the order number in the payment so you can identify it.

Many thanks!

***** Google Translation:


Вы должны получитьот2checkoutвHTMLкоде, чтобы добавитьэту платежнуюсистемувкорзину, а затем выпереходите к шагу 4-корзина-и тогда выоткройте вкладкууправления заказамиивы решитедобавить новый типоплаты.После добавлениянеобходимовыбрать его и нажатьнаредактированиеи в новомокнеоткройте вкладку«Тип», а затемвыбратьоплатув настоящее время ив выпадающем спискевыбратьпользовательский код.

Таким образомвы сможетевставитькод, который выполучили от2checkout.

В кодевам необходимодобавитьпеременную[PRICE]поэтому программазаполняет егос ценой, чтобы заплатить и[ORDER_NO], чтобы добавитьномер заказав выплате, так что выможетеопределить его.

Большое спасибо!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

Good afternoon.
The fact that the company offers to create 2checkout they have all the products that we sell . But we all already created .
She also offers a choice of use:
Buy Button and Link Snippets ...

"Buy Now" bud
<form action='' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='2165541'>
  <input type='hidden' name='quantity' value='1'>
  <input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='1'>
  <input name='submit' type='submit' value='Buy from 2CO'>
</ form>
<span> Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilitator for goods and services provided by Leontera Ltd. </ Span>

"Buy Now" Button with Kuantity
<form action='' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='2165541'>
  <input type='hidden' name='quantity' value='1'>
  <input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='1'>
  <label> Quantity </ label>
  <input name='quantity' type='text' size='5'>
  <input name='submit' type='submit' value='Buy from 2CO'>
</ form>
<span> Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilitator for goods and services provided by Leontera Ltd. </ Span>

After applying the first embodiment get an error !
An error has occurred during checkout.
Please contact the seller and reference the error code below.

How do you propose to change the code or HTML that you can still make further without full transfer of all kinds of products on the website 2checkout

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Claudio D.

Hello Valeriy,

Can you please get more informations about the HTML code like what field has to be used for the price and what field to add an unique order number so I can tell you how to integrate these in the code?

Many thanks!

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

Thank you very much that you are trying to help me.
I long to decide issues with 2CO and finally they gave me a full alignment of their codes and maintenance.

On the basis of these codes you can tell me how to build a full-Hour basket Order payment via 2CO. Did not want to add to your product every button 2CO. Need to sozhranyalis all actions as with other (already integrated payment systems, as MULTISAFE example).
With much gratitude for your help.

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

If this work is complex and must be paid, then I'll pay.

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

1. Create a secret word

(Score Tab / Site Manager) - Secret Word checks the connection between your cart and 2CO Secret word   What you need to enter!? Where it is possible to look at your cart
2. Follow the instructions separate purchases     Your shopping cart is present in this list?

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

How do I add html code for 2CO?
Here's the code:

<formaction=''method='post'><inputtype='hidden'name='sid'value='2165541'/><inputtype='hidden'name='mode'value='2CO'/><inputtype='hidden'name='li_0_type'value='product'/><inputtype='hidden'name='li_0_name'value='Monthly Subscription'/><inputtype='hidden'name='li_0_price'value='1.00'/><inputtype='hidden'name='li_0_recurrence'value='1 Month'/><inputname='submit'type='submit'value='Checkout'/></form>

How do I add code php - it neobzodimo for communication and h5cart 2CO:

$hashSecretWord ='tango';//2Checkout Secret Word
$hashSid = 2165541;//2Checkout account number
$hashTotal ='1.00';//Sale total to validate against
$hashOrder = $_REQUEST['order_number'];//2Checkout Order Number
$StringToHash = strtoupper(md5($hashSecretWord . $hashSid . $hashOrder . $hashTotal));
if($StringToHash != $_REQUEST['key']){
$result ='Fail - Hash Mismatch';
$result ='Success - Hash Matched';
echo $result;

Please I need an answer!

When I create a payment Multisafe, Goofle Walet .... I've got a folder appear with the same name in a shared folder cart.
But when I add the code for the client, for example 2CO - then no additional folder is created!?
What should I do to earn a new payment system???

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Claudio D.

Hello Valery,

you will need to create manually the php file and then send the payments from the cart to your php page so then once the informations are passed to this file you can proceed to the payment.

It is not possible at the moment to add a php payment code in the program.

The scripts you mention are built in and so all code is already created.

For your code you will need to connect the payment page to your php script manually.

Many thanks!

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

Good afternoon.
I can not understandall doneasyou recommended.
Does not work "2CO" (this is a newpayment instrument), butalso does not workin your software applied "GoogleWallet"!     Works only PayPal

The problemat the last stage.Notransition occursin thepayment system, ienoagreementbetween the site andpayment system.
I ask you tolook atour website
I can not understandwhat the problem is?

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Claudio D.

Hello Valeriy,

Can you please check on 2CO what error p102 refers too so we know why the payment is not working?

About google wallet please try to export the complete project again and check the entered google wallet data is correct.

I made 2 test orders which can be deleted.

Please keep me updated.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Valeriy Khalif
Valeriy Khalif

Hello Claudio.

With the new year holidays.
Returning to problemele order processing Google Wallet

The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported. payments.html?formFactor=DESKTOP&rh=8f4bd459b88009d514cc4ba499641c7d:4

  1. POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.js?42:2
  1. POST 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.js?42:2

Processing error occurs, what is the problem?
I'm sending you all wrong.

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Gepostet am von Valeriy Khalif
Claudio D.

Hello Valeriy,

Our Developers solved the issue in the Beta Channel and if you want you can update to the Beta Channel by subscribing so you can update the program and then export it again or wait for the Official release and then install it and once done export the complete project again online.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.