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Joe P.
Joe P.

HTML capable browser in Preview  en

Autor: Joe P.
Besucht 1605, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I upgraded fr0m 9 to 10. I imported my 9 version site. Almost no page works using the preview option. I am afraid to upload since my current site works pretty good. 1st issue my home page un preview says I need the latest Java version or a HTML5 capable browser. I thought the new Version 10 previewer could do HTML5

Gepostet am
Claudio D.

Hello Joe,

It seems you don't have the plugins installed in the preview browser. Usually the plugins are always installed separately or in case these already present in the computer the browser finds them. This is not affecting the project.

Follow the guide on this link to install the plugins:

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.