WebSite X5Help Center

ray kitchingman
ray kitchingman

Instructions  en

Autor: ray kitchingman
Besucht 501, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  
Tags:: instructions

hi, do you have a user guide in writing so i don't have to go back to the video instructions all the time. this is a difficult program for a mug like me.

Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E
Nutzer des Monats EN

I'm not sure if there is a guide, if then check your profile top botton right and select download, see if there is a manual / user guide.

There is also the help file within x5 that can be of assistance.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

I checked my profile in the Download area and found that I have an option to download a manual for all the versions of X5 (8, 9, 10) that I own, so you should have this also.

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Gepostet am von Wayne B.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

no he does not have access to any manual, since his account is not linked to any lisence/version of webx5.

which version do you own Ray? 8, 9, 10 evo or 10 pro?


Good Luck (new) (coming soon)(Sign up)

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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Andre E
Andre E
Nutzer des Monats EN

Anthony, His account is linked, he has version 10 home edition.

But I'm not sure if this comes with a manual, but he can check and will see for himself.

and if there is no manual then the help inside x5 home should be sufficent, the rest of the question can be asked here in answers ...

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Noemi W.

Hi Ray,

please, this is an online guide for WebSite X5:

Please note, that it does refer to the edition Evolution 10. Indeed, you will find features which are not included in your program WebSite X5 Home 10.


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Gepostet am von Noemi W.