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Tim T.
Tim T.

Subject. Reducing gaps between vertical page cells.  en

Autor: Tim T.
Besucht 1805, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

 I have read the Q and As relating to gaps, and tried applying what seems to be the answer, all to no avail. If I select a cell and then 'set the cell style' I have a number of options including 'Alignment and Margin'. I am then offered 8 choices - though it isn't clear which each relates to when the cell has four sides. Having selected an option then there are two further options ( Outer Margin and Inner Margin) each with four sub options. All I want to achieve is to reduce the gap between the bottom text in one cell, and the top of the text in the one immediately below it - or images. At present the gap is equal to about 8 to 10 lines of text and looks ridiculous. Some simple and precise advice would be welcomed . Thanks

Gepostet am
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

take a picture of your preview

take a picture of back of your page (step 3) and posted here, so I can see what is going on


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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Tim T.
Tim T.

Hi Anthony. I attach a couple of screen shots for each of two pages where the same problem arises. I use two screens so what I think you mean by the back of the page is the left of the two. Both pages are too long for a single image to show you the issue so there are a top and a lower one for each of the problem pages.

My uderstanding was that reducing the tops and bottoms to 0 ought to put them adjacent vertically but this doesn't seem to work but here are the relevant numbers if it helps.

For the Home page, the cell style numbers are Outer 3,3,3,0, Inner3,3,3,0 for the bottom of the top left text cell.

The top right text cell 8 bottom numnbers are 3,3,3, for both

Fpr the image on right top is the same

For the Text cell across the botton. Top numbers are 3,3,3,0 for both. Hope that makes snce.

For the second page "Arrival". I inserted an additional row and spread text across top left two and bottom left two. On the right are four cells, image then gallery then gallery and finally text.

The bottom of top right cell is same as top of the one beneath it as 3,3,3,0. The bottom of the second right is also 3.3,3,0. the third right has a  top of 3,3,0,3 outer and inner.

Appreciate any assistance.

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Gepostet am von Tim T.
Andre E
Andre E


There are no attachements, but IMHO it's not neccesary.

If you need to understand the outer and inner margins, just create -just for testing and viewing- a border with the border option. This way you will see what space your object has and where you need to change.

After testing remove the border again.

To give you a simple answer for a text object:

space at the end of the object (outer margin) towards the border, then you have space between border and text (inner margin)

make a test page and try it out, this will help you make the correct settings.

Hope this helps....

Best Regards, André

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

Tim, there is no attachment here, if its bigger that 1mb, forum will not accept it, send it to my email address  (info AT

so I can see where is the gap.


Good Luck (new) (coming soon)(Sign up)

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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Tim T.
Tim T.

Thanks Andre and Anthony. Will try Andre's suggestion and sent zipfile to Anthony ( failed to appreciate the 1Mb limit)

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Gepostet am von Tim T.