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Carlo L.
Carlo L.

Various issues with audio files and audio previewing in Ev10  en

Autor: Carlo L.
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hi Claudio,

Referring to my previous post (on previewing audio in EV10), after a bit of hassle, it worked as you pointed out. 

One point I didn't quite get: just for audio, would I also need to move from mp3 to mp4 (is mp4 an audio format in the first place??) That would be rather disappointing since the whole world is still using mp3 format for audio and for instance my wave editor can't export to mp4.

There is another issue that came up during uploading of my site. I noticed that disk space went up by almost a factor 2, since all my audio files were uploaded again. I discovered that this basically happened because my website refers to audio files whose names have capital letters. Ev10 seems to convert everything to lower case, which is seen by the ftp service as different files, leading to a factor 2 "overspending" on disk space. Is this normal behavior? And/or could I somehow avoid this? (or can I now just throw away the upper case versions on the ftp server, since these are supposedly not used anymore?

Third, in working with Audio files, I noticed that in Ev10 I can no longer directly edit path names in the audio/video file editor in Ev10 (in EV9 this was possible and I used it a lot to copy-paste, avoiding having to browse to new files). Is this a bug or desired behavior?

Fourth and finally, I have noticed that the preview bars for audio that I had in Ev9 are less pretty in Ev10; I had them blue-gold colored with rounded edges, just as the rest of my site. Now it's only gold with brown, sharp edges, and they also do not automatically adjust anymore to the right length... I forgot where I could edit this, if at all. Can you guide me on that one too? I would love to have the old preview bars back, with rounded edges, blue text and auto-adjusting their length..

Lots of questions but I'm afraid I (/ we :-0) have to go through this while upgrading...

Thanks again, kind regards,


Gepostet am
Anthony A.
Anthony A.


html5 create a compatible file for crossbrowser support (opera,mozila, IE, chrome,safari)

thats why you see increase. all you need good webhost with unlimited space (check out let me know if you need 20% off coupon for ultimate package.

as far as audio player, that is a standard (default) html5 player, those pretty one you talking about are all flash, and flash is not crossbrowser support.

as far as color, you can change the color by choosing different color under "control bar".

as far as size, you can have it to show your full bar in 160x30

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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Claudio D.

Hello Carlo,

The mp4 encoding has an audio format wihhc uses the extension .m4a and apple mobile devices supports only this encoding and not the mp3 format. You can use the mp3 files but apple devices , like iPad and iPhone, are not able to play them.

You can delete the uppercase audio files on your hosting server. In future avoid the uppercase in the filenames since for hosting server these are not correct and they see upper and lower case as different file.

In Version 10 the files are automatically moved in the internal project library and it's why you don't see the path. You can still find out the path with the rightclick function in the field where in past you saw the path.

About the player, in Version 10 it tries to use the HTML5 audio player where possible so it will work natively on the browser instead of using the Flash Player plugin.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Carlo L.
Carlo L.

hi Claudio, Anthony,

Thanks for quick reponses, I appreciate that! But.. your answers are only partly helpful.

My friends who have iPads, they CAN play mp3 files, as they showed me yesterday again. So surely it should be possible! And mp3 is still the worldwide standard, so it would be hard to imagine that Apple would not support mp3 at all (and as said, I saw evidence it does). 

But suppose I would need to convert to mp4a: how should I do that? My normal program for audio operations doesn't know mp4a. And if I would convert, does everything still function normally on a windows computer?

About Audio player size I have discovered how to do it, that is solved.

Rounded edges are no longer possible, correct? About color: I can select the color of the player now, but I have no control over the color of the bar inside it and time display. Is that anyhow possible, or do I just have to live with the defaults here (as in Ev9 I think)?

On disk space: here the answer "make sure to get unlimited space" is not very helpful, sorry. Claudio's answer makes more sense to me, I will accordingly proceed with deleting those uppercase files and avoid using them in the future. Thanks Claudio.

Note: first issue above is very important to me, since I invested in Ev10 purely because of this reason: audio not being played on iPad, and I trusted that Ev10 would solve this!

thanks again,


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Gepostet am von Carlo L.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

Carlo, if you keep adding audio files to your server, need to make sure you have enough space over there.

advance audio websites, usualy have 2-3 different format of the same song inside their player, so thats how they take care of compatibility with different browsers!

here's all the audio formats they been used for audio, sorry I forgot to add to my other post. mp4 is for video and not audio!

Internet Explorer : MP3=yes, wave=no, ogg=no

Google Chrome : MP3=yes, wave=yae, ogg=yes

FireFox : MP3=no, wave=yes, ogg=yes (Firefox 21 running on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, and Android now supports MP3)

Safari : MP3=yes, wave=yes, ogg=no

Opera : MP3=no, wave=yes, ogg=yes

you can find a better looking script on the internet. or you can use this standard html5 script inside html object in x5 (x5 preview unable to show the player, but if you open it with another browser, you will see it)

<audio style="width:550px; margin: 0 auto; display:block;" controls>
  <source src="" type="audio/ogg">
  <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.

as you see inside that script, they include 2 different format of that song over there for more compatibility.

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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Carlo L.
Carlo L.

Hi Anthony, 

I'm getting confused now... first I was told that mp3 is not supported on iPad and iPhone, but from your compatibility list above it appears (as expected by me) that all browsers do support mp3 for Audio. So why would it be that my audioplayer bars are not working for my friends with iPads then? I would be happy to use another audio format, but as you indicate, mp4 is a videoformat (and mp4a I don't know how to make)...

Any additional advice on this?

regards, Carlo

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Gepostet am von Carlo L.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

ipad uses safari, and safari will support mp3 format (but not all the time). try it in another ipad or try to update your ipad to latest version of the safari.

also use the audio player code that I posted for you, upload your test page, then try your ipad, it should work!

A Google search revelas that Safari has had over 2 years' history of reported problems with the mp3 format. you can have different browsers on ipad/mac, but they come default with safari.

try the method above, if it didn't work, you have no choice but to convert them to mp4.

just google mp3 to mp4 converter, there should be many free converters out there, they all can do the job.

remember to add both versions inside your website (mp3 and mp4, and if you have space in your host, wave format)!

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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Carlo L.
Carlo L.

hi Anthony,

Still some issues remaining...

you wrote "also use the audio player code that I posted for you" => you posted several links above, which one do you mean here? Or do you mean that piece of html5 script? I have never used such thing, where should I put that in the X5 program?

A converter from mp3 to mp4 or m4a I should be able to arrange probably. I tried one and converted 1 audio file, and I am currently placing it online. It then appears that I get two different audio bars, see lower right of this link: . I have put different variants there, an audio player with the m4a version (which seems to work) and two hyperlinks, one with mp3 and one with m4a. The first one works, second one opens a download window but refuses to play... Why would that be?

On your third point: I can of course use ftp to upload both mp3 and m4a formats to my server, but how could I have the website automatically select the appropriate one for each browser? (I mean, in the user interface while making the website, I have to choose between mp3 and m4a in the browser, isn't it? Or do you suggest to add two audio bars?)

While doing all this, another issue came up (maybe more towards Claudio in view of earlier answers, please tell me if you prefer me to make it another posting): everytime I change a small thing and choose for only uploading the files that I changed, Evolution 10 uploaded everything, including all audio files (which takes ~10 minutes). This would not be needed, but apparently the program does not recognize that the files have not changed. Is there a way to prevent this?? (maybe it might have to do with that I still have all files referring to a local directory, with filenames in capitals)? 

thanks again


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Gepostet am von Carlo L.
Claudio D.

Hello Carlo,

Apple devices can play mp3 files but not the Safari mobile browser which only supports m4a audio files.

About the second link with the m4a audio file on which browser it is downloaded?

About the code Anthony posted the browser will automatically choose the correct format. The player code is set in a way the browser can choose the most supported format.

About the upload it depends what type of change you made on the project. The best option to prevent audio files to be uploaded with every change on the project is to upload them manually with an ftp client online and then in the audio/video object you add the link to the online file. In this way the program will use the file online and this will not be uploaded.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Carlo L.
Carlo L.

Claudio, Anthony,

The link to m4a file opens a download window (instead of playing)  in Chrome. When clicked in IE, it opens the Quicktime player in a new window and starts playing. Any idea how this difference arises?

I am still in trouble on how to try and implement Anthony's html code... I understand what it is supposed to do, but where can I put that code into the X5 program?? (I don't see a knob or box where I can do that).

About using online files: this is in principle a helpful suggestion, but I tried it with a file (referring to the location on my ftp server: , don't know whether that is right thing to do) and then found that opening the file in the Audio player takes about 4 seconds, which is quite long (and when I use a local file, it opens instantaneously). Strange, since I would expect it to be the other way around. Any advice on this?

thanks again (I still very much appreciate all your efforts in assisting!),

best regards, Carlo 

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Gepostet am von Carlo L.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

Carol, you got the whole thing wrong

ftp is a transfer protocol (port 21), you use that to upload your files, you use port 80 to browse any website, these are standared/locked ports.

you need to upload your files inside your server, for example a folder name audio.

then you link your files to your player. if you are using default x5 audio object, all of those steps will be done automaticlly, and you only need to add them to your audio object, and when you upload your website, they will get the proper link address.

as far as my code, you need to place a html/widget object inside your page, then place the post inside that html object.

IMPORTANT if you are using that code

1. after you place the code inside html object, click on expert tab and then click on add, choose your audio files (1 by 1) then choose a folder for them, by default program will choose foledr named "files"

2. when you linkin your audio files inside the custom code, make sure to use the full path for it (

3. if your audio file name is "welcome to my town" make sure you will fix the space between name befor adding them to your player and "expert tab". your music file name should be "welcome-to-my-town"

so your player could be like this

<audio style="width:550px; margin: 0 auto; display:block;" controls>
  <source src="" type="audio/ogg">

  <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">

<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.


I would add thse 3 different format, so most of the browsers would be able to play them (browser will automatically detect the format they can read based on the default plugin they have)

if you have unlimited disk space, would be better to add the forth format which is .wave

you can change the size of the player by changing the "Width" parameter.

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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

and again you got it wrong, m4a? that is not a standard compress for audio file, all of the standard browsers need codec or plugin to open that one, we talk about mp4 not m4a.

again if you are going to use my script, make sure you add the audio files with the order I posted here for you. web browsers will detect the compatible format automaticly.

as far as uploading updated files, if you add anything to a page (which has audio files), and hit the upload, it will upload the whole page not just part of the page!

if you add anything to footer or header of the page, entire website would be uploaded again, because header and footer code being repeated inside every page of your website.

if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.


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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Carlo L.
Carlo L.

Thanks Anthony, now I have been able to place the html code and it works!! - at least for me on Windows PC, just sent out a mail to my friends for test on iPad. Thanks for clarifying the server thing, I'm really not experienced in these things (notice that X5 by the way places all Audio files by default in the /videos/ directory!).  I will play around more with it on Friday or Saturday and when it works I will mark your above input as the correct answer.Would there be any option of changing the color of this customized audio player?

thanks, Carlo

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Gepostet am von Carlo L.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

Yes, Carlo, you can add style to it buy using css code, place your css code inside the epert tab (the same html object you used for placing the script)

something like this

audio { background-color:#95B9C7;}

if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.


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Gepostet am von Anthony A.
Carlo L.
Carlo L.

I managed to try some audio files using m4a format and the above piece of html code. The answer above on how to do it is (in principle) right and I have now marked it as such.

However: I decided not to make the whole site like this, since the default audioplayer you get then is a bit... well... ugly, and scales poorly with the size you give it. Therefore I like the default html5 audioplayer better and decided to keep it like that.

As for iPad support: I have now added clickable link to all song names, so that Apple users can click the link and play the song. Under the hood are still mp3's because of 2 reasons: my friends (iPad users) report that it works like this; and if I make it .m4a files, then google Chrome still opens a download window instead of a player... Why would that be?

best regards, Carlo

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Gepostet am von Carlo L.
Claudio D.

Hello Carlo,

It depends on how it has ben set to load these files. If he set to open them with chrome then the browser opens chrome.

If you set an answer as correct then it is no longer possible to write on your post.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.