Travel map-table do not work
Autor: Steinar T.Hello! I try to use the "Table" to put thumbnails on a map. I choose "table". After putting it over to the webside I try to make, I double-click on it, an then come to another page where I select multiple row/collumn. Clikking "OK" I go back to page 1 again. Goes to "Set the cell-style"and sellect "cell-style" and sellect "Image-background", ellect the image-fil (a map) I want, sellect "5-fit to window", then OK again. I choose "Preiew", the page commes up, but it is empty. Sometimes the map and the row/collumn comes up, but then the the upper half of the map is in the front, and the row/collumn is in the back, and the bottom half of the map is in the back,and the row/collumn is in the front. What is wrong??
If you use the "bring to front" or "bring to back" for the image the problem will go away.
Best regards
Steinar T
Hei igjen! Sender bilde av skjermen slik at dete kan se de forskjellige operasjonene.
Steinar T
Hello Steinar,
Can you please send me a screenshot of how it appears in the preview?
Do you add any content in the table before opening the preview?
Many thanks!