Table/Spreadsheet/Calendar in Dynamic Content 
Autor: Duncan Baker
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I am building a website for our local church. I haven't used Dynamic Content before.
I am trying to build a page that lists the services being held in each (of 6) churches on a particular day. I would like to display this as a table that can be edited by a person from each of the 6 churches.
How can I do this? Can I insert a table or link to a spreadsheet that can be edited by other users? Or is dynamic content limited to text only?
Grateful for your help.
Gepostet am
Dynamic content can not be tab-ed and is only for text. (you can set a picture but that needs to be already on internet)
I think best way to do this in x5 set everything on 1 page.
Make 6 or 12 objects from top to bottom on the left side of a page, six if you only want a picture or text to identify your church twelf if you want to have a picture and text.
then set 6 dynamic contect boxes next to every church (if you have used 12 objects on the left then the boxes on the right for dynamic content will occupy 2 spaces from the left object)
You need to create 6 users (in step 4 acces management) with passwords and set them to the appropiat object / church.
Also create a box for html wizard with a login and a logout. This can bu used by all 6 users for there own content.
That should ce it, I never done this but I would set it up like this.
You could create a borderr by using the cell style and create a full box over the picture / and or text and the dynamic content. so it will look like it's one box for evry church.
remove left and right and top and below border lines as needed.
I made small example:
Thank you - that looks good.