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A S.
A S.

Deleting old videos in WX5 Pro 11  en

Autor: A S.
Visitado 2450, Followers 4, Compartido 0  

Just solved my problem with showing my video in all sorts of browsers by updating my htaccess file by some advanced script. Now I would like to get rid of my old video files I used in my website. My Website X 5 pro 11 contains at least 15 videofiles, because when I changed something in the layout in the video module, The program start to think its an other videofile. Even when I copied a videomodule to some other pages, the program duplictes the videofiles in stead of using the same file. So when I upload my website, everytime the program used all the videofiles before. (plenty of MB's)

I read a lot about this problem in earlier versions of WX5 pro 11 on this forum, but several sollutions does not work. I deleted my upload an preview files, I removed all my files on the server, I closed the WX5 program after deleting the whole project files, restarting  the program and holding the controlbutton during opening the websitepreviews. Nothing helps.

At the moment I just stopt with the video input in my websites, because of  the upload size of the videofiles.  Meanwhile about 15 vedeofiles I do not use at all.

Oh, one more thing, There is no link anywhere in my website to a video. Also I deleted the compleet websitepage in which my videos where displayed before. Again no result.

Is there a possibility to solve this problems or to make something in the program to get rid of old unused files.

Also I wondered about the fact when using only one videofile in a module and copied the videomodule to 5 other pages in the website, why is Website X5 upload 5 several videofiles of the same kind and renaming each vedeo to 5 different names. In this way everyone will overfill their webspace bij duplicated videos, and for sure when you use 3 or 4 different extensions of one videofile.

So let me know if someone know an answer


Publicado en
Claudio D.

Hello  A San,

When you add a file with the same name in the program it saves it with a slightly different name since it doesn't know it's the same file and more files with the same name cannot be saved in the same folder so the program changes it to avoid one get's deleted because of the same name file since it could also contain different content.

About your project, try to send us your project.iwprj file you can find by opening the preferences to see where the program stores the projects and then in this folder search the fodler with the project name where you have the issue.

Inside will be the project.iwprj file. Send it as attachment to using as Subject “Post 103050 per Claudio D.”
If your project size is more than 10 megabytes, you can use online services like to send  us your project.

Please let me know as soon as you send it and also all the names of the video files you don't what to have anymore in the project.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Claudio D.

Hello A San,

I could remove the video files from the project. You need to replace the project.iwprj file in the project folder with the one you can download here in attachment after you unzipped it.

This file should avoid the export of these video files.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.

Hello Claudio,

I thought this issue was going to be fixed in version 11.0?



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Publicado en de PJ D.
A S.
A S.

Hallo Claudio,

Yep, you managed to remove some videos, but there are two left behind. See my screenshot.

And, as you certainly would have expected, the most important question.
How did they do that?
So how can I manage this problem by myself in the future.
Can I change the projectfile someway with a texteditor or something?


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Publicado en de A S.
A S.
A S.

Dear Claudio,

After deleting everything and put your new project file in my websitefolder, the problem still contains 2 video's in the video folder and one in the file-folder.?? I send you my screenshot before.

Can you manage tis problem?



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Publicado en de A S.
Claudio D.

Hello A.San,

Unfortunately the screenshot is not present. Can you please send it again?

The issue will no longer happen with new projects but with existing ones made in the previous update before it has been solved it remains.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
A S.
A S.

Hereby the missing screenshots.
At the same, seperately in an email,  I send you my projectfile, (the one you chanched before.) and a second screenshot of a left behind .swf-file in de file-folder.

So, looking at your answer,  new projects in W5X11 will not show the problem I understand, but I have a few other websites, made in W5X 9 and later on, converted to WX5 10, but with no videos in it. My question is, does this problem occur now wenn I put some videos in these other websites, or do you need to modify these project also?

Thanks in advance


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Publicado en de A S.
Claudio D.

Hello A. San,

You can download the project with the removed files from here:

No if the projects hasd in past no videos the issue will not appear in them.

It happend only if the videos have been aded in the past versions.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
A S.
A S.

Hallo Claudio,

Thank you very much. Project is clean now.

Greetings & Reagards


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Publicado en de A S.