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Donald M.
Donald M.

Preview and exported site suddenly extremely slow after adding a Welcome page  en

Autor: Donald M.
Visitado 1859, Followers 2, Compartido 0  

Today I started adding a Welcome page to one of my sites. However, when I tried to preview it the preview took about a minute to load. It also took about a minute to load each page on the preview site when I tried to navigate through it and it eventually became unresponsive.

More worryingly,  when I exported the site  to a folder on my computer,  the same problem is now happening  on the exported version. This means that I cannot  upload any changes to my web space .

 On the exported site,  the homepage comes up immediately , but when I click on the button to allow active content the problem starts.

I have removed the Welcome page but the problem is still there.

This does not appear to be a browser issue. My browser (IE11) is otherwise working OK, and my other sites are not affected by this problem. 

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Donald M.
Donald M.

I'm using win7 64, but I'm not trying to connect to an external script and it's not only happening in the preview.

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Publicado en de Donald M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

external site, I mean.

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Publicado en de Donald M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Donald,

What did you put in your welcome page, in terms of HTML & JavaScript code, Flash, media files, images, etc.?

I am a bit puzzled by this statement:

This does not appear to be a browser issue. My browser (IE11) is otherwise working OK, and my other sites are not affected by this problem.

The built-in preview browser in X5 doesn't use Internet Explorer.  Is the modified site with the Welcome Page online?  Is that what you implied?  If so, can you post a link?

Finally, if you hold down the CTRL key and enter the preview mode within X5, having deleted the Welcome Page, does the issue go away?

Kind regards,


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Publicado en de Paul M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Paul

Sorry for the confusion.

I export all of my sites to a folder on my computer before uploading them from there to the web. I have been opening the affected site (with IE11) in that folder, not online, and the problem has been exported along with everything else.  I'm afraid to upload the site just now in case the problem uploads with it.

In the programme, I tried holding down the CTRL key as suggested but the problem is still there. I had "not responding" in the top left hand corner of the screen but the page appeared after about a minute.

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Publicado en de Donald M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

I understand what you mean, Donald.

What did you add in the Welcome Page?  Did you add any custom code?

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Paul.

I just added an image - no custom code. I disabled the automatic changeover to the next page and you have to click on the image to proceed.

Before that I put "hello" in the HTML code - just that, no actual code, but this was just an experiment and I removed it before starting on the image (I did preview "Hello" before removing it. I can't remember for sure but I think it also took longer than usual to appear).

The only other thing in the image page is a tiled background.

Kind regards,


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Publicado en de Donald M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the information, Donald.

This image that you added...  was it a local file stored on the same PC as WebSite X5, or did it come from a network drive, or other external location such as a portable hard disk or USB drive?

Also, can you please do the following:

Ensure WebSite X5 is closed.  Navigate to the following location...

C:\Users\your_user_name\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\your_X5_project_name\

...and then delete both the folders entitled 'Preview' and 'Upload'

Then start WebSite X5, load your project, and once again hold down the 'CTRL' key whilst entering the preview.

Does this make any difference?

Kind regards,


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Publicado en de Paul M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Paul

The image was created on the same PC and was loaded from a local folder.

Although I have V10, I always use V9 for this web site as it was originally created in V9. Your instructions seemed to fit V9 also, so I deleted the two folders.

I started the programme and the project. The project thumbnail disappeared then reappeared, then the project seemed to recreate itself.

Unfortunately when starting the preview with CTRL held down the problem is still there.

I have now uploaded the affected exported site to my own web space which I am not using for anything at the moment. Just to remind you, I disabled the Welcome page but the problem persists on my computer. Annoyingly, it seems to work perfectly online.

You can see it at



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Publicado en de Donald M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

I don't know if this helps, but whenever I open the affected site's local exported copy it opens instantly and navigation works instantly but with the usual warning at the bottom of the page (see attachment.)

I always get this warning when I open this site and other sites locally. and when I click on "Allow Blocked Content" they simply work normally. However, since yesterday, clicking on  "Allow Blocked Content" triggers the problem in the affected site.

Have I inadvertently created a long - running script or something, perhaps?

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Publicado en de Donald M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the info again, Donald...  very comprehensive.

Yes, my gut instinct is that this is somehow script related...  possibly JavaScript, maybe PHP (the latter especially as the issue is only apparent when trying to load locally)...  but I notice that you also use Statcounter, and I have seen that cause weird problems with page load delays in the past.

I've viewed your site online and it loads perfectly for me too, but no surprise there I suppose.

I'm trying to think of every angle, and to be honest I would value Claudio or Michele's opinion (from Incomedia), but they won't be able to comment till Monday at the earliest.

In the meantime, I have another suggestion to make which may at first seem a little illogical.  Can you create another Welcome Page, but this time don't do anything at all with it...  don't add or edit anything on it, just accept the defaults with the bare minimum of HTML...  then do a CTRL/preview and full site export.

Oh, by the way, can you also clear your browser cache?

Keep us posted, Donald...  we'll get there!

Kind regards,


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Publicado en de Paul M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Paul

Browser cache - already tried that.

Statcounter - I added that script more than a year ago and I update this site frequently with no problems. This is the first time I have attempted to add a welcome page, however.

CTRL + Preview and site export after adding a basic HTML Welcome page - problem is still there.

As an experiment, I added the same HTML Welcome page to one of my other projects in V9, one which was started then abandoned. The preview worked perfectly, as did the copy of the site exported to my local folder.

I then removed that Welcome page and added the one which (apparently) caused the problem in the affected project. You've guessed it, preview and exported local site worked perfectly!

So it looks as though the problem is limited to a glitch in this one project - and the Welcome page may not be the cause!



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Publicado en de Donald M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the update, Donald.  I'm afraid I don't have any further suggestions to make at this stage 

Hopefully Claudio will be able to comment further, or perhaps you could restore from an earlier backup, before the trouble occurred?

Just an idea...


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Publicado en de Paul M.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Paul

No, my backup runs nightly so the affected project file will now be there also.

And since the project files are held in the Documents folder, System Restore won't help either.

I'll wait to hear from Claudio. I imagine he'll want me to send him a copy of the project file.



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Publicado en de Donald M.
Claudio D.

Hello Donald,

The blocked content in IE can depend on the IE settings which are too much restrictive and blocks any file included in it. I tested the page in IE and I got no blocking message.

About the slow preview try to remove the google analytics code since this one can slow down the preview since it needs to verify the domain from where it's loaded and since it's in the preview this can take longer.

Test it without this code to see if then it's faster.

Please keep me updated.

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Claudio

I wouldn't expect you to see the blocking message because it only shows up locally,  not online.

Anyway, removing the Google analytics code (which I only added recently)  solved the problem. 

However, I need Google analytics, so is there a way to make this work (other than removing the code whenever I start work on the site and putting it back in when I finish) ?

Kind regards


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Publicado en de Donald M.
Claudio D.

Hello Donald,

Unfortunately there is at the moment not another solution. This issue depends on the new code used by google analytics. With the old code it was not slowing down the preview but since they updated it it needs to make some verifications which slows down all.

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.
Donald M.
Donald M.

Hi Claudio

Do you know if the old code still works and if so, where I can find it?



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Publicado en de Donald M.