Webx5 8 to 11 
Autor: Diven L.
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I have x5 8, and now i have bought x5 11professional.
However i thought the latest vesion will update and import the old files from old software, but when i was trying to upload the old content from web x5 8 to 11 professional
it dint recognize the file
as the latest version is in iwzip ext, and old just IWP.
Please i need serious help as spended too muchb money and this is what im getting now.
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Hello Diven,
Version 11 of the program can only import projects made with Version 9 and 10 but not projects made with Version 8 like explained here:
To convert the projects you can follow the advice in the post linked to ask users to see if they can convert the project for you so you can import in Version 11.
Many thanks!
If i send the file can sum body help me to convert vesion 8 project to vesion 10-11 please
I just finished setting something up on my test website, your welcome to be the first to try, this way I can test as well because I haven't done so yet with V8.
So don't be alarmed if you encounter a bug ...
BR André
how do i send you my file please??
Come here to this Forum...
You can follow the link of Andreas, or use my test website. (click on my picture for mail adres and website adres).
Or better yet: http://andreweb.nl/x5_test/upload-info.php
please grant me user name and password..
Please send me a mail I don't want to post the login and password here, cause everybodey can read this and then I'm lost on what's uploaded by users and also the page is then open for all kind of other nonsens (spam).
Thank You.
BR André
it really works wowwww
you are genius ANDRE E
Many Thanks
Glad that it is solved, but you probably mean Andreas ?
I haven't got a file yet ....