Feed Feady dont work 
Autor: Pere R.
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Hi Team.
We have 2 sites:
In any of two sites Feed Rady dont work from October 2014.
Please can anyone help-me?
Best regards.
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Buongiorno Pere,
prova ad aggiungere il link diretto del feed in feedready, prova a inserire:
Fammi sapere se hai difficoltà.
***** Google Translation:
Buenos díasPere,
trate de añadirel enlace directode la alimentaciónenfeedready,intente con:
Déjemesaber si usted tieneproblemas.
does not work well, just send news until October 2014 and exists mor or less two news/day... Whats upp from October 2014 to January 2015??
Hello Pere,
insert the feed in feedready, then create a new notice and export the site. You receive the notice appear in your device.
There is an option in feedready for set thetimethat theold newsmust remain.
We recive the missage, but only can see before november 2014.
Every day we post new notices...
I see the same thing, there is no 2015.
Good Luck
http://www.usx5host.com (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m)
http://www.usx5.com (Templates and support for x5)
prova a esportaretutto il sitocompletamente con Website X5, prova anche a rimuovere tutti i file del vecchio sito dal server e riesportarlo.
Fatemi sapere.
***** Google Translation:
tratar deexportartodo el sitiopor completoconWebsite X5,tambiéntrata de eliminartodos los archivos dela antigua sededel servidor yre-exportación.
Házmelo saber.