Main menu & anchor points 
Autor: Aleš P.
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Is it posible to connect a page link from main menu to an anchor point.
I have an vertical menu and when I click on a page link it connects me with that page but it drops me on top of the page into the header. Now as I have used a lot of height space for the header, it's annoying, as I would like the direct position to where I have put my anchor point, not to the top of the page in the header.
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É possível sim, coloca uma ancora no ponto onde você quer chegar quando clicar no link, e o link você precisará direcionar para uma ancora.
1 - Cria a ancora no local desejado
2 - Cria o menu (manualmente com a função TEXTO)
3 - Insira o link no menu (Dentro da função texto, clica no botão de link)
4 - Seleciona página do site
5 - Escolha a página onde existe a âncora
6 - e escolha a ancora criada.
It is indeed possible , place an anchor at the point where you're going when you click the link, and the link you need to drive to an anchor .
1 - Create the anchor in the desired location
2 - Create the menu ( manually with the TEXT function )
3 - Enter the link in the menu (in- text function, click on the link button)
4 - Select page of the site
5 - Choose the page where there is the anchor
6 - and select the anchors created.