Inserir o nome de usuário logado automaticamente no campo "Nome" no Comentário 
Autor: Lucio FlavioComo inserir o nome de usuário logado automaticamente no campo "Nome" no formulário de comentário no blog ?
achei esses códigos no _x5engine.php_ mas não consego fazer funcionar:
* Get an array of data about the logged user
* @method whoIsLogged
* @return {mixed} An array containing the data of the current logged user or false if no user is logged.
function whoIsLogged()
global $imSettings;
if (isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_uname] != "" && isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname])) {
$uname = $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uname], $this->salt);
return array(
"username" => $uname,
"uid" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uid], $this->salt),
"realname" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_real_name], $this->salt),
"groups" => $_SESSION[$this->session_gids]
return false;
| Show the form
if (isset($_GET[$this->id . 'success'])) {
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-green\">" . l10n('blog_send_confirmation') . "</div>";
} else if (isset($_GET[$this->id . 'error'])) {
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-red\">" . l10n('blog_send_error') . "</div>";
echo "<div class=\"topic-form\">
<form id=\"" . $id ."\" action=\"" . $this->posturl . "\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return x5engine.imForm.validate(this, {type: 'tip', showAll: true})\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"post_id\" value=\"" . $this->id . "\"/>
<div class=\"topic-form-row\">
<label for=\"" . $id . "-name\" style=\"float: left; width: 100px;\">" . l10n('blog_name') . "*</label> <input type=\"text\" id=\"" . $id . "-name\" name=\"name\" class=\"imfield mandatory\" value=\" AQUI TEM QUE ENTRAR O "realname" DO USUÁRIO \" />
<div class=\"topic-form-row\">
<label for=\"" . $id . "-email\" style=\"float: left; width: 100px;\">" . l10n('blog_email') . "*</label> <input type=\"text\" id=\"" . $id . "-email\" name=\"email\" class=\"imfield mandatory valEmail\"/>
<div class=\"topic-form-row\">
<label for=\"" . $id . "-url\" style=\"float: left; width: 100px;\">" . l10n('blog_website') . "</label> <input type=\"text\" id=\"" . $id . "-url\" name=\"url\" />
Hello Lucio,
automatically with WebSite X5 is not possible, you can open a new post in the Idea section sothatis evaluated.
Wait more information about your question by other use of this community.
Thank you.
***** Google Translation:
automaticamente com oWebSiteX5não é possível, você pode abriruma nova mensagemna seçãoIdeapara queseja avaliado.
Aguardemais informações sobrea sua perguntaporoutra utilizaçãodesta comunidade.
Eu estou tentando fazer com esse código na pagina blog/index.php :
$db = getDbData($imSettings['access']['dbid']);
$pa = new ImPrivateArea();
$pa->setDbData($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['password'], $db['database'], $imSettings['access']['dbtable']);
foreach ($pa->myfunction() as $user);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("input[name='name']").val("<?php echo "{$user['realname']}" ?>");
e adicionei esse código em res/x5engine.php:
function myfunction($ids = array())
$res = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->db_table . "`" . (count($ids) ? " WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")" : ""));
$users = array();
if (is_array($res)) {
foreach ($res as $user) {
$users[] = array(
"id" => $user['id'],
"ts" => $user['ts'],
"ip" => $user['ip'],
"username" => $user['username'],
"password" => $user['password'],
"realname" => $user['realname'],
"email" => $user['email'],
"key" => $user['key'],
"validated" => $user['validated']
return $users;
porém está coletando dados de outros usuários,
como eu faço para coletar os dados do usuário logado?
essa função do x5engine.php tem envolvimento com isso?
* Get an array of data about the logged user
* @method whoIsLogged
* @return {mixed} An array containing the data of the current logged user or false if no user is logged.
function whoIsLogged()
global $imSettings;
if (isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_uname] != "" && isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname])) {
$uname = $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uname], $this->salt);
return array(
"username" => $uname,
"uid" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uid], $this->salt),
"realname" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_real_name], $this->salt),
"groups" => $_SESSION[$this->session_gids]
return false;
Basicamente eu preciso coletar dados do usuário logado e o jquery vai coloca-lo no lugar do nome no formulário,
Por favor me ajudem a conseguir coletar os dados do usuário logado ficarei muito agradecido se conseguirem me ajudar.
Hello Lucio,
i am sorry but i can't help you.
Please wait more information about this by another users of this community.
Thank you.
***** Google Translation:
Lamento, masnão possoajudá-lo.
Por favor, aguardemais informações sobreisso pormaisusuáriosdesta comunidade.
Hello Lucio,
I'm not sure that I understand you correctly, but if you seek the correct syntax for the code you quoted then it would be as follows:
<?php echo $_SESSION['realname']; ?>
However, that won't work on its own. If you want to capture the logged in user within WebSite X5 then you need some extra steps:
Be sure to start the session on the page in question (code in header):
i.e. <?php session_start(); ?>
Followed by this code:
$pa = new imPrivateArea();
$user = $pa->who_is_logged();
You can then return the name of the logged in user by way of the following code:
<?php echo $user['realname']; ?>
Hope this is what you are looking for...
Kind regards,
Paul M
Posted on the 07/06/2015 19:46:40