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Felipe Flores
Felipe Flores

Personalizar Responsive Template  en

Autor: Felipe Flores
Visitado 1177, Followers 1, Compartido 0  


I need to know how to customize the responsive template header and footer.

I have already customized the responsive template structure, and I have uploaded my site succesfully; nevertheless, when accesing my website trough a mobile device, the image customization on the header is not showing (I have an under construction image on the header that displays properly on any desktop computer)

My website is:     created with website x5 professional 12

Note: My site is already online

Thank you

Publicado en
Stefano G.

Hi Felipe.

As of v12, the header and footer behave differently when changing from desktop view to responsive view.

You are allowed to use an image as header in the responsive view, and simple text as footer.

You can find these options at step 1 -> "Responsive Template Structure"

Hope I've been helpful

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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Felipe Flores
Felipe Flores

Hi Stefano-

Thank you for your prompt response.

So if I understand correctly, there is no option to customize the header in the responsive view? I will only be able to modify the structure (wich is one step before customization on step one) using an image in the grapic properties?

If this is true, it is a major inconvenient, since I won't be able to enter text into the header, the way I can do it for the desktop view, I won't be able to place a background image and also add my logo to the header?

Hopefully there is a way around it, because for my last site I ended up paying for an additional service in order to make my site mobile friendly.

The only reason why I purchased the new version of websiteX5 was because you advertised I could do the responsive design along with the desktop design, but if I can't customize the responsive design properly, it seems to me that the software is incomplete.

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Publicado en de Felipe Flores
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Felipe - under template style, responsive template structure you can add an image to the menu, and you can add a background or other image to the header background.

You can also add a logo to the menu bar with another image behind it if you wish.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..