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Holger Glüsing
Holger Glüsing

Problem with language.xml  en

Autor: Holger Glüsing
Visitado 741, Followers 2, Compartido 0  
Tags: language,xml

Please help ...

I have exported my Evo 10s 'DA - Danish' website language ... 

Then I used Sublime Text to add the new Evo 12s keys at their right places and translated the texts to ... Danish

But when trying to import the XML-result I get the errormessage: 'An error occured while opening the file. The file is corrupted or invalid.'

Please have a look at the enclosed file ... correct them or tell us what is wrong with it?

Thanks a head.


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Stefano G.

Hi Holger.

Is it just the zip file, or the v12 xml file you sent has a very weird formatting?

Please check it again and let me know if that's the case.

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Publicado en de Stefano G.