Giving up 
Autor: Jackie K.
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My site is not published yet. I have been working with the program for two weeks now and I have had nothing but problems. I set my pages up as instructed and whether I am using text objexts, images, or galleries, when I preview them, the objects are scattered randomly all over the page in no order whatsoever. Plus, the program crashes so often that I have to save it after every entry. I am not a rank beginner. I built two web sites years ago with very rudimentary tools. My goal was to bring both of these up to date with this new software, but I can't waste any more time. I am going to go back to Aabaco Sitebuilder. It would be nice if you refunded my purchase price, but whether you do or not, I'm deleting the software.
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Hi Jackie.
I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the software.
I also noticed that you only open one support ticket in your Answers history. Maybe we can still help you solve problems that you've been having but never presented to us.
May I ask you what seems not to be working right for you?
Please let me know
Yes, it is the same problem I posted before. I tried Claudio's fix but it did not work. As you can see, the template shows everything in perfect order, but the images and text show up all over the page as you scroll down. I have tried using images instead of gallery objects and even just using text to see if I can get that to line up the way the template shows, and nothing works. Plus, on some other pages I did get the cells to look correct on the page, but on the template, they are not in the correct cells. For example, if I were using numbered boxes, and I wanted four boxes to appear horizontally across the page with a single number in each - "1" "2" "3" "4", I would actually have to type them out of order on the template - "4" "1" "2" "3", or something of the sort. I have been working on this project on my desktop and my laptop, one running Windows 10 and the other running8.1, and I have the same problems with the software on both computers. I hope you can help.
PS: I tried to attach the screenshots to my post, but I dont see the attachment, so I am trying again.
I still dont see the attachment. Is there another way I can send it?
Jackie - how are you attempting to attach the screen shot. I simply hit print screen, paste to a simple editor (eg irfanview is free) crop what I require, save it and then browse to it to attach it to the response.
Aargh, I just wrote a whole post and it said log in to post and I logged in and my message was gone. :( So here I go again...
The problem with the attachment was that I had zipped several screen shots together and it was too big, so now I am just sending the template and a snip showing the slides lining up vertically along the left border. I have discovered that if I order all my slides and descriptions correctly in the responsive tablet, they will at least appear in the correct "order" on the full page, ie: the correct description will appear under the correct slide. However, instead on lining up in a grid three across and four down like the template, the majority of the slides line up in one vertical row along the left margin of the full page. This happens no matter how many slides I am working with, and it happens whether I am using gallery cells, image cells, or just text cells.
Help! Jackie
My site is now live, so you can just go to and see the problem.
I reproduced your page with the same cell sructure and had no issue, have you tried to create a test page in a new project?
When I had a strange issue with an imported/upgraded project I simply created a new project and copied each cell to the new project by opening 2 copies of website X5 with the old and new projects side by side. In my case the issue was that I had opened an old project directly rather than export iwzip from old version and importing iwzip into new version and somehow this corrupted something causing stange formatting.
Good luck
(if your test project doesn't work, perhaps upload the iwzip so incomedia staff can take a look?)
Thank you, Esach. I will give it a try.
No luck. Exact same problem. The iwzip is too big to upload here. Is there another way to get it to the staff?
Hello Jackie,
Incomedia usually recommend that large projects are sent via online services such as
Please use the following email address:
with the following subject title:
Post 133992 per Stefano G.
Kind regards,
Done. Thank You!
Hi Jackie.
I've recieved your project and have been able to check it.
Unfortunately, I cannot find what seems to be the problem as it looks like you perfectly ordered every element as you wanted to at Step 3.
Can you please tell me what doesn't seem right?
If you look at my live website - - you will see that rather than lining up in a grid the way they do on the template, the majority of the slides line up in one vertical row along the left margin of the full page. Not only does this look odd, it requires viewers to scroll down and down and down to see all of the images. This happens no matter how many slides I am working with, and it happens whether I am using gallery cells, image cells, or just text cells. There is only one gallery page that works correctly, and that is the one with the dog paintings. I don't know why that one works and the others don't. I have been working on this project on my desktop and my laptop, one running Windows 10 and the other running8.1, and I have the same problems with the software on both computers. I hope you can help.
Hi Jackie.
The problem is actually very easily solved.
If you open the Text Objects containing the buy button in the Dog Gallery, you will see that you centered the text.
In every other Text Object in the other Galleries, the text for the buy buttons is positioned on the left.
Simply fixing that will fix your website as well.
Let me know
Unfortunately, not so easy. Tried this fix and it made no difference.
Hi Jackie.
Please attach a screenshot of the window where you modified these parameters for me to check.
It fixed the issue on the project you sent me, so it should actually be solving yours too.
Let me know
Hi Stefano,
If you go to the Cape Cod Gallery page at, you'll see that I centered the text in all of the text boxes, but the slides are still lining up vertically along the left margin.
Hi Jackie.
They actually aren't, as you can see in the screenshots I'm going to provide. If you align them in the center though, they appears just as they should.
Attaching the whole procedure in images.
Of course the table won't be centered, as it follows different rules than the text, and you implemented it yourself inside the code.
You would need to check the "margin" css property in order to solver the table's alignment issue.
Hope I've been helpful
I don't see any attachment, Stefano?
Hi Jackie.
Sorry, I'm going to attach it again.
I'll also attach the fixed version of your text object for one of the pictures.
I have finally had time to try this latest fix, and although it does center the text and tables nicely under the slides, that does nothing to solve my problem. I think you have misunderstood my problem all along. I am attaching a screen snip of the tempate for my "Islands" Gallery. Please look at it, then go to my website and look at the corresponding "Islands" Gallery page. As you can see, on the template, all of the slides and their descriptions are lined up neatly in rows of three each across the template, but when you look at the website, the slides and their corresponding descriptions are oddly scattered about the page. I have this problem with every gallery page except the dogs and I cant find any reasons why. Please ask the website engineers to take a look at this problem asap. I have been working on it for SO long.
PS: As I re-read this discussion I see that several posts have been labeled "Abuse". Can you tell me why?
Maybe there are blank spaces or enters in your text objects that causes this behavior, you can't see them in the text, but if they are there then they create a next line , this causes the next object to apear on another space ussually 1 enter lower.....if fit's an enter but several spaces can have same effect or even cause more invisible lines.
See that after the last text or object in your text object there are no spaces or enters, the mouse pointer should be at the end of the line and should not be able to go further using the arrows keys, if so then use delete or backspace end delete all spaces and enters this way.
then your mouse pointer should not be able to go past the last text.
For instance in your first text block below Taking in the View, here is no enter between the costs and the buy now button, but on Rosy Morn there is an enter between them.
And i think after the last bank icon there are also enters. Search these out also in the other text objects, remove them and you should be fine.
Watch out with copying information from other sources, then you can take enters with you without knowing. (using notepad to past it and then kopy the text again prevents this) or just remoev it like described above.
Hope this helps.
And I see no ubusive reactions, the button is there in case someone things the post is abusive, by clicking it, the post will be reported as such. It's a standard Icon in Answers.
I see your problem and have attached a screen shot of the Islands Gallery.
I noted that your Best Friends Gallery loaded correctly and quite quickly by comparison (with the exception of the wallpaper). Is it possible that your pictures in other galleries are significantly larger?
If you have the patients, why not try resizing every photo in the Islands gallery to 640X480 (or smaller?) then recreate the gallery on a new page to see if that fixes the issue (I would also resize/resample your background/wallpaper image down because on my PC it takes a significant time to load on my "fast" connection).
I have had similar issues with large images on some sites.
My apologies if you have already tried this without success.
I agree with Esahc. There seems to be different sized pictures/frames/objects on the offending pages.
If the ideas of Esahc do not work for you I would suggest using "Best Friends" as a template. Duplicate the page using copy & paste then change the content.
I use this method to maintain consistency in formatting over a number of pages, and it saves time.
I have tried all of these methods to no avail. :( I used the Cape Cod gallery page because there were a lot of big images on that page. I reduced them all, and I reduced the background image. I could not reduce them as small as you suggested Esach, because the paintings became almost as small as the thumbnails, but I did reduce them considerably. I also tried recreating the gallery on a new page, and using Best Friends as a template. Nothing helped. Additionally, I rechecked all the text objects to be sure there were no blank spaces or enters and there were none. Now what do I do????
Thank you! Jackie
I think i will be difficult to help out in Answers, cause it's strange what happens and you have tryed many things.
If you want you can send the project to me and i will taka a look, if you mail me (click my picture) I will send you to code for uploading.
Else i would not know what to do at this moment.
best regards Andre
Hello Jackie, thinging out of the box I tried using the compatibility mode with IE 11. This oddly enough fixed the BDG page but caused other problems including your drop down menu. Beyond my scope but thought worth mentioning for the Moderators and INC.
Also it would be understood that your win 10 & 8.1 has all the fixes that people have had problems with X5 and other programs unrelated to X5. Could your template or project be corrupted?
As others have noted your problem would seem to be related to text(safe fonts), size, spacing, total page width/background and some sort of overlapping, or an hidden object/layer. Maybe some setting that should be toggeled off or on?
You're doing a lot of work modifing templates. Have you thought about building your own site and having total control? Or having someone do it and then you could make changes while your knowledge increases of X5?
Just some thoughts. Kind Regards - Donald
Hopefully you have taken Andre up on his offer (& if the problem is resolved, please post back the solution).
It occured to me that none of us know what is causing the issue, so if it was me I would duplicate the project, and in the copy, in one gallery delete all the gallery cells and replace with text boxes. If the formatting holds this points to the gallery cell object being the issue (as an alternative you could add a photo in each text box with a descriptive link that opens the larger image).
If the fault is not the gallery cell (ie the fault remains), in a different gallery delete all the text boxes with the paypal details and replace with empty text boxes. If this fixes the layout there is something about the existing code in each text box which is causing the issue.
If neither of the above solves the issue I recommend a nice stiff drink :-)
I am pritty sure it's in the text block, the pictures are inside frames and then there are normaly no problems with picture sizes.
I gave Jackie acces to my upload page, if I find the problem I will surely post it.
If it is not the text block then what remains is a problems in x5 on the page or object ( I have only encoutered this once). But I see it also in other galleries so My bet is on the text object but it needs some investigation of the project.
I try not to do this often but sometimes it's the best and easyest way to ask for the project.
Found a solution, and already maild Jackie.
The problem was in the text box, there was text and html code, this should not be a problem, the html coding includes a table, remote links and pictures. some had automattic adjustments and I think these did not work well with the scripts of x5 that also makes automatic positioning / sizing of the text object.
The solution is to put the html coding in an html box and keep the text in a text box. This way the coding for sizing works better (the object box in x5 uses manual height).
Let me know if it has fixed your problem Jackie,
Best Regards,
Hi Andre,
I tried, but no luck. I will try to attach a couple of screen shots here. I made a duplicate of the site and did everything that you said (using the Islands Gallery). It is better, but still has a major glitch in that the Nantucket Flower Girl slide, text, and html are doing something very strange.
Additionally, something strange happened with the Cape Cod Gallery. I didn't try your suggestion with that one, but I just tried moving the slide around for a while, and suddenly everything lined up correctly. I was so happy! But then, I tried to copy and paste it back into the original site, and it reverted to the problematic format again.
Donald, you suggested creating my own template. This is my own template that I am using. You also wondered if the project could be corrupted. I don't know how. I downloaded two copies on X5Evolution12 - One on my desktop (Windows 10) and one on my laptop (Windows 8.1), and I worked back and forth creating the site on both computers, and both computers have the same problems with the software. Its so frustrating. I can't begin to count the hours I have spent on this.
Anyway, here are the latest screenshots.
Site Preview:
It looks like the 3thrd row is widther, use left mouse button on the small grey arrows below in your page (capture1) then set width to same for all colums.
I will create copys in your project of all pages that are not good and then give you the project to download.
This way it's certainly good.
My example page with some different borders...
Also beware on enters and spaces in the text object, there are still a view, these caause also problems, check my earlyer post, see that after the last character of the text mouse you are sure that you can't set the mouse pointer further then directly after the last character. You should not be able to go down or to the right with your arrow keys.
If so goto the end and backspace untill you are behind the last character.
My problem has been fixed - by Andre! He was correct in his assumption that the trouble was in the text boxes. He created a workable solution by adding a row of html cells beneath each row of text boxes. He then cut the html out of each text box and pasted it into the corresponding html cell. He also unchecked the html button in the text cell. This obviously took Andre a great deal of time and effort and I am SO grateful to him. I will soon have an attractive and practical website!
I would still like to request that the Incomedia staff investigate this glitch, however, as this is obviously a cumbersome way to do things and not the way the software is purported to work. It also took weeks and weeks of my time and that of others to find a workable solution.
Thank you again to all who tried to help me, and to Andre, of course. I hope to have the rebuilt website published some time later this evening if anyone wants to take a look.
Looks Great !
Well done Jackie, glad you didn't give up!
It looks good on my mobile too - although on mine the responsive header is just a touch too wide "Black Dog Gall"
. . . . and I reckon Andre should get a gold star :-)
Alright Jackie, nice work!
Question: Is everything, with the exception of the text box fixes, native to X5?
Just wondering, thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Donald
Yes, I noticed that and fixed it, Esach, along with a couple of other glitches. If anyone sees any other issues, please let me know.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, Donald, but the X5 software and tools were used to created everything else without having to resort to jury-rigging aside from the text boxes.
And yes, Andre does deserve a gold star!
It looks great now, You could set the width of the menu buttons a bit bigger, there is room enough, this way all text will be visible. (purchase / shipping) loses the last g. at this moment.
Step1 -> template style -> main menu style -> set width 5 or 10 pix higher.
Fixed it! Thank you!