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Tom W.
Tom W.

Password protected login site background  en

Autor: Tom W.
Visitado 1049, Followers 2, Compartido 0  

Dear Incomedia,

Just a quick one re a password protected site. Everything works perfect but how do I add background (at least white) to the password/login site? It's set to transprent and it makes it difficult to read.

Best regards,


Publicado en
Andre E
Andre E

Goto the html object box where the login code is, select it in step 3. don't double click..

Use top button set cell style, choose coloured background, choose a colour.

save (ok button). that's it your login object has a different background.

You can do the same for all other objects.

You want to do the whole page? goto step 2 select the page, use properties button, goto graphic tab, change background colour.

With these settings you should be able te create it any way you wish.

BR André

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Publicado en de Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

the site you mention is made this way ;

A picture is set in step 1 template style as page backrgound

The html wizard is used as login object on a page. if you start it and use the pulldown menu for for login, then you can change font and also field background color to transparant. (or any other color you wish, but the site you mention has it transparant ) and thats not what you wish?  -> remove the login code, use the pulldown to create a new login code, then you will be asked what color you want, then these are made in the login code.

So if you wish to change it, make a new one, then the options are there, after that they are created to make the code for the login and you can't change it anymore automaticly.

Hope this helps !

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Publicado en de Andre E