Software fail me ,can i use stock images and template for wordpress website? 
Autor: N. ChandrasiriHi incomedia team...
unfortunatly your software not suit for my website.. this is fail for me...
before the purchasing this software i ask from you can i make similar "" website... so your team member said me yes it's posibale... you can see our comunication in my old demo accout : nuwangamage
but i aks several qs from you...
1. about pagination : but your software can't
2. about download counter : your software can't do this professionaly
3. search enging option : your software can't do it similar
so i find best website designer in sri lanka and i pay for him to make this.. but finaly he said this is wast my time... bcoz this is html base software and he told future your site spam or band.. and can't manages this site...
so he proposed me stat new builder in wordpress and he told i can make my site easy. this software wast my time and this can't do it professionaly...
but already i purchase this software... but no problem, i can desigmn my site using wordpress.. but i know i have license use this webtemplate and stock images for my site...
i think you can undestand my needs... i want o know..
1. can i use ths template in wordpress
2. can i convert my done website to wordpress ?
3. can i use 400000+ stock images in wordpress ? ( i can download images using this software and place it on wordpress website - this is very needs for me.. )
if you have and any other ideas please tell me. your team give me wrong information so i wast my mony and time.
please advice me.
Hi Chandrasiri.
Unfortunately you cannot import templates or make use of the stock images in another software or through another service that is not related with us. You can still visit Pixabay for free stock photos though.
As you said, the Staff stated multiple times that pagination was possible with the use of external code and not as a default function of the software, so that is actually still true.
About the download counter, unfortunately I couldn't find your previous post asking for this.
As for the search engine, I am still waiting for your project on your other topic where you should be sending me your project.
If you think the software doesn't suit your need anyway, you might still ask for a refund for it.
Let me know what you wish to do
hi.. i try to fixed this,, but this software have more problem for my site. so i like to refund.. how can i do it? i have neteller account.
and already i complete my site using wordpress. tha's sucsess.
Hi Chandrasir.
If you need are not satisfied with the software, please contact *** in order to request a refund of your purchase.
Should they handle your case quickly, please report here to me the answer you get.
Let me know
oka i will.. thanks.