Can't play my sound file 
Autor: Paul D.
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I have a sound file the i have created
it is a .M4A file
how do i play this on my website when the user hits a button
Thanks for all of your help. This software is great!
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Hello Paul,
If you are linking to a sound via a hyperlink then the sound file must be in MP3 format... M4A will not work... please see the help file for further details:
You can create a link to generate sound. To choose the audio file to link to, select Local File on PC and click on the
to browse through the resources on your computer, or select Internet file and type in the URL address that locates it on the Internet. You can link files in .MP3 format.
When a visitor clicks on the link a Tooltip opens and shows the Play/Pause button to start/stop the audio. When the mouse cursor is moved out of the Tooltip, the popup window is closed and the sound stops.
You could consider converting your existing M4A file to MP3 format, or alternatively you could use the Audio/Video Object within WebSite X5 which can play M4A files as per the following:
However, MP4 format is strongly recommended for maximum compatibility with end user devices.
Kind regards,
First I used a Video/Audio object and selected an .mp3 for the ‘local file on PC’
(I know the .mp3 is working because it plays with Windows Media Player
I get a play button with a status bar and when I click the play button nothing
The second method I have tried is to set up a button (image object) and link to
The mp3 using the Sound option. When I do this I put the cursor over the
Button and the start button tool tip appears. But when I click on it again, nothing
What am I doing wrong?
I also can't get a video to play. I selected an .mp4 as 'local file on PC and I got the message ' your browser must support HTML5 or Adobe Flash
my browser is Google Chrome.
What must i do?
Thanks for the extra information.
Does the info relate to difficulties playing media files in the WebSite X5 preview? If so, then could you please attach a small sample media file for closer inspection (max 1024KB) - you can zip the file in order to attach it here.
If on the other hand the issue relates to a site which is already online then could you please post a link to a relevant web page?
You may also find the following threads helpful. Please read them through carefully as they contain information which is very relevant to your own situation:
Many thanks!
Thanks for your help. I don't know how to zip this file. I hope this is ok. I have the 2 .dlls in the extensions folder and i have seen where Windows 10 has the Adobe Flash player in it. I did the online test and it worked. Also, none of the .mp4s on my computer have sound. Please help.
Please post the URL to the site online... many thanks...
As regards the 'no sound' issue, please see the following FAQ:
I am not sure what you mean. My website is still in development. I haven't posted online yet. I tried to download the Adobe Flash Player and it took me to a screen wanting money. Are my users going to have this trouble? Are they going to have to download software to get my website to work. I have been on many websites and they all worked just fine without my having to do anything.
Also, the above mentioned FAQ says i should encode my .mp4 file. How do you do that?
Many thanks,
I was referring to this statement that you made earlier:
Adobe Flash is free: it doesn't require payment.
You can use any media converter software to convert and encode files. Personally I use Aiseesoft:
There are free media converters available too if you do a Google search for them.
If your media file is converted to the correct MP4 format before posting online then you will achieve maximum compatibility with end user devices... your users will not need to install additional software to stream and play your files. This is why I ask for a link to the project online, so we can investigate the file format further (as you were unable to zip the file and attach here).
Hey, guys! My sound file works now! I wish I could be more specific about what I did to get it to work so this thread could help others, but I didn't write down what I did. All I can say is that I ran an update to Adobe Flash Player from the Adobe website (they said Chrome already has the flash player installed) and after that my sound file works perfectly! Thanks for all of your help. I love this software!
I still have trouble with a video, although I am making progress. I no longer get the message 'your browser must support HTML5 or Adobe Flash' and a play button appears in the middle of the video box, but it still won't play. Could there be some sort of problem with my file?
Please continue to help
Thank you very much!
Check that! I just got a video to work! I tried your .mp4 and it played nothing. Just went directly from the start button to the stop button, but when i tried another .mp4 that i had it worked fine.
Thanks for all of your help!
I got my sound file to play on my computer using the following html code:
<button type="button" onclick="play()">Hear It Pronounced</button>
<audio id="audio1" >
<source src="C:\\Users\\Paul Davidson\\Documents\\Sound recordings\\holasenor.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
var myAudio = document.getElementById("audio1");
function play() {;
but it won't work within your software. Can your software see the mp3 file where i have it on my computer? Can you help?
Hello Paul,
You need to add in the html object in the expert tab the mp3 file and then in the code <source src="C:\\\\Users\\\\Paul Davidson\\\\Documents\\\\Sound recordings\\\\holasenor.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
change it to
<source src="files/holasenor.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
In this way it will work in the preview and also online since the program will upload the mp3 file in the files folder and the link will be correct to load it.
Many thanks!
I changed my code to this:
<button type="button" onclick="play()">Hear It Pronounced</button>
<audio id="audio1" >
<source src="files/holasenor.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
var myAudio = document.getElementById("audio1");
function play() {;
and linked the file in the expert tab but it still doesn't work. Can you help?
Hello Paul,
the filename is the same of the file you added?
Did you change the name of the folder where to add the file?
If your code is correct and you added the file in "files" without changing the name of the folder then it has to work.
Many thanks!