360 degree panorama picture 
Autor: Hakan S.
Visitado 3823,
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Hello everyone.
I wanto show the 360 degree pictures (panoramic picture).
Anybody know any plugin or mehtod to show these pictures in v.12?
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Hello Hakan,
At the moment it is not possible to have this feature in WebSite X5. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.
If you find a custom code to get this feature, this code can be added in WebSite X5 with the HTML code object in step 3. In this way, if you find scripts that suit your needs, you can easily use them inside the Software. Also if I cannot give support to third party custom code, I can explain you how to add it in WebSite X5.
Many thanks!
Thanks for answer.
I have no any coding knowledge and I found some examples, it describe to some java scrits and server based programs i think.
Example 1:
Click the right corner (view source) and see the coding
Example 2:
This site gives lots of coding sample and things, but i dont know how to use...
https://pannellum.org/download/ --> coding examples and free script
Another site for the coding.
And this is a sample pictures, taken by me with free copyright:
And some examples:
-All of them give the code in right corner (view source) button
AND VIDEO for 360 degree
Hello Hakan,
From example 2:
you add following code in the html code object where you replace the image file name with the name of your foto:
you can also add the file in the expert tab in the html code object and then the location of the file is under /files/
Then you go in step 2 of the page and there you open the properties and you to the the export tab and in the section "before closing the HEAD tag" you add following code:
<linkrel="stylesheet"href="https://cdn.pannellum.org/2.2/pannellum.css"/><script type="text/javascript"src="https://cdn.pannellum.org/2.2/pannellum.js"></script><style>#panorama{width:600px;height:400px;}</style>
Many thanks!
website x5 v12 üzerinde bağlantılı yapmış olduğum 360 derece panoromik resim : örnek site www.isitmeninsaat.com.tr
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