Runtime error 5 
Autor: G. Delphine
Visitado 3711,
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Compartido 58
Hi I can not publish my data. Website tells me runtime error 5 invalid procedure, and close down. Thanks to help.
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there is no answer!
Hi G.,
Try to export on disk then download filezilla and try to export again with filezilla. If it still does not work, please try to give me more info with screenshots if you can.
Thank you!
Eusing Registry Cleaner
Ok. I can not exporty either on a dosk. Message shown is : Run-time "52" :bad file name or number.
When I want to change text or photo (but not the pages name), I can not export data. When I want to eport on the net I got the message : Run Time error "5" : invalid procedure call or argument.
I am on Vista. I made no change on my PC.
Thank you to help as it is a professional website...
Do this:
Make sure your OS is up-to-date.......
Uninstall X5 and REBOOT (Important)
Reinstall but by right clicking the execute and "Run as Administrator"
Permissions in Vista & Win 7 do get in the way at times still!
We are talking about V8 or V9?
Should you need a remote to see the problem contact me at the Cafe 24/7
It is V8
If I uninstall X5 I won't have the activation code, as it was ok until end of march...
I tried the Eusing Registry Cleaner. Not working either...
If you are registered on here using the same email as you registered your V8 Incomedia has assured me you will see your licenses and activation codes (Mine is not but that is another story)
Click on My Licenses!! Obviously if it isn't present Incomedia will have to be notified!!
Sorry chaps that is all I can do I'm afraid.......
Pb I do not have copied X5 on a cd... so if I uninstall I loose everything. Now I am trying to copy site on disk. It seems to work. I'll try with filezilla after. But I would like to know why it stopped working just like this... Thank you to stay on line in case it dosen't work after all.
Yes I have registered the license & activation codes.
Ok I have to go now. I am downloading filezilla. I'll keep u posted on the evolution. I saw also that I could buy the link again to download x5 v8. Thanks for your present & futur help!
I could get your website working through the X5 Export no problem !!
Hello It is me again. Actually yes there is still a problem, which I do not get at all. It is on the home page. I can not make any change and export the data on the net (got the same message runtime error 5 etc). It is only with this page. All the others work perfectly... Strange in'it? Any clue? Thank you.
Take off any page transitions you have..... and/or scripts!
(Noticed you have one on your website)
What are u meaning by page transitions and scripts? Sorry but I am french so maybe I do not get evrything... Thank you for taking time to explain.
Ok I did what u say. Still same error... I am on another post for this problem, so i'll try the other advice.
So Samantha was right. It was only a damaged doc on my home page that was causing the pb...