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Martin R.
Martin R.

Discount Code  en

Autor: Martin R.
Visitado 2110, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

Regarding cart discount codes, is this feature for versions only after v11?

I have Evolution 11 and cannot find where to create a cart discount option.

Publicado en
Andre E
Andre E


This option is available in v11 but only in the PRO version.

If you would like to upgrade see the offers for you in your profile, top right button next to your name.

Best Regards


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Publicado en de Andre E
Martin R.
Martin R.


Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately I have an unresolved issue with my Website X5 cart and large orders, and won't upgrade unless you can assure me that it will solve the issue.

The problem is explained in detail at

Last resonce was that it was my hosting provider that was the problem. I waited until my renewal was up and actually changed web hosts hoping it would solve the issue but it remains the problem it has always been.

It got to a point where it looks like it cannot be resolved so I let it go and have had to instruct my customers to make multiple small orders rather than one large order and then I have to consolidate them manually and send them an invoice with the total order on it.

I saw somewhere that the discount code was Evolution 11, didn't see that it must have been athe pro version.
It would be a nice feature to have, but I'm sure you understand I don't want to put more money into faulty software.



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Publicado en de Martin R.
Andre E
Andre E


Sorry to hear that there are problems, the post you are refering to is set to private, I can't read it.

I can not garanty here anything, I am not from Incomedia and as you can read I don't know where the post is about.

But changes are that if it has to do with large orders then the Pro version could have same issue, I am not sure here sorry.

Best Regards,


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Publicado en de Andre E
Martin R.
Martin R.

Thanks Andre,

I didn't set to private, maybe that was done so the issue wasn't out and about and unresolved. :)

I've removed that privacy so you can have a read if you like, just FYI.

Very frustrating, but it looks like it isn't solvable at this point.

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Publicado en de Martin R.
Andre E
Andre E


I have read it fast, I think it was to private because it could contain passwrds and ftp adresses and thinks like that. So for safety reasons.

Claudi asked you to check withe provider, it could well be that there is restriction there. Did you follow that advice and what was the outcome?

It looks to me that Incomedia is trying hard to help you.

Can you test with another provider pherhaps?

Hope this helps also a bit, please respond further on the other post, else this one will be hard to follow.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Martin R.
Martin R.

I not only discussed with my provider, but copy and pasted converastions to both sidees.
The end result was that I reluctantly changed providers on Claudios advice.

This made no difference whatsover, except using up a lot of time in making the change.

Just had another look at the thread.

Since making public, it seems all of the 32 answers are not shown.
needless to say, it was a long and drawn out process, unfortunately with no conclusion...

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Publicado en de Martin R.
Claudio D.

Hello Martin,

As soon as we ask for private data like FTP address we set the posts on private otherwise everyone can read these informations.

I made the test with as hosting provider and on this one the order came always complete.

Can you please provide me the ftp data of the new hosting you are using now so I can test a new project on it to see on what it depends?

Many thanks!

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Publicado en de Claudio D.