Gallery object in v13 
Autor: Michael R.
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Dear X5 team,
I am having a problem with the gallery object in X5 v13.
This is for projects imported from v.11 and new projects alike. When inserting a new gallery the navigation buttons do not appear but instead there is a symbol in the lower right hand corner depciting a hand with a line.
What is the meaning of this symbol and how can I get the navigation buttons to work? Note that the issue exists no matter which options you chose, i.e if buttons are selected as "always visible" or only "visible on mouse over" - they just don't show.
Please see also attached screen shot.
Thanks and best regards
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This is a responsive view (small windows screen) it shows the hand to make clear that you can slide to next page (for mobiles).
Make your screen widther to see the desktop view where you will find that the options you have set should work.
Let me know if this was helpfull.
Best Regards,
Dear Andre,
first of all thanks for your response but I'm afraid that I quite don't get it.
The problem remains no matter how wide I make the actual browser window. Also enlarging or reducing the view doesn't change anything (as you can see from the previous screen shot there are ample margins at the left and right).
Note that the effect is 100% the same in the X5 preview and after the project is exported as webpage and opened (I use Firefox).
Can you explain what you exactly mean by "desktop" view? Or do I have to change something in the general settings of the project, i.e to have it not responsive for mobile use (I will actually never have my websites used on a mobile device).
Thanks and best regards,
In that case it is the menu that does not fit, and then x5 switches to hamburger menu.
make the width of the menu buttons less or the space for the menu in the template bigger and check again.
Best Regards,
Dear Andre,
the effect is the same, the gallery object normally just covers 3 or 4 columns of the webpage. The width of the webpage is 1400 pixels, I tried the gallery with maximum 200 px width, 500 px etc... and in one column or spanning over several columns. It's all the same...
I also checked and the project setting is "desktop", and NOT "responsive" design.
In the gallery object I can not find any option to adjust the width of the menu buttons. To my knolwedge this is only applicable for the "main menu", the "drop down menu" and the "page menu" - can you please explain which "menu buttons" you mean and how to adjust them as per your post above.
Again: for the gallery object there are just a pre-set of various styles of the buttons under the "Navigation Commands" (Gallery Object - Style Settings).
Note again that I have the same issue with imported projects where the galleries worked fine before.
best regards
Can you give me a website adres, that might help, it could be something localy, did you add custum code, try without it. Have you used also an html object somewehere, if yes disable the automatic height function. and test again
Does it also happen on a brandnew project? What kind of pc do you have a laptop? with touchscreen maybe?
That coud also be am issue.
Hello Michael,
Does your screen on the computer has touch functionalities?
This appears when the device has touch functionalities while on computers without touch functionalities the arrows appears.
Many thanks!
Dear Claudio,
actually yes, I am using a new Dell laptop with a touch screen.
Interestingly when I start the preview in X5 no controls (buttons) are shown but I can swipe to the next picture (or the previous one) using the touch screen. However if I export the website and open it in Firefox this isn't possible.
Is there any possibility to disable the use of the touch screen in the webproject?
best regards
No there is not, but maybe there is a way on your laptop?
What happens if you use a second monitor without touchscreen? maybe that helps.
Hello Michael,
If you open the preview in firefox does it shows the touch functionality in the gallery or the arrows?
the touch function is seen from the OS directly and the website shows the controls according to the OS settings.
Many thanks!
Dear Claudio,
when I open the created webpage in Firefox it does not show the navigation button and I also can not 'swipe' between the fotos of the gallery. The only way is to put the start of the 'slideshow' to "automatic".
(just to clarify: this is opening the 'real' webpage of the exported project, the 'preview' is within X5)
Interestingly: in the projects I created before in v11 all works correctly, i.e. when I open the webpage (also in Firefox) the navigation arrows are shown next to each foto and I can naviagte forwards and backwards. It works for both options for the naviation buttons, i.e. when they are hidden they appear at 'mouse over' and they show when the 'always show' option is selected.
So I don't think its an OS issue since then also the previously generated websites should show the "hand"-symbol in the bottom corner?
best regards
Hello Michael,
On other browsers on your computer does the same happens? Have you tried to see if a plugin in Firefox is causing the issue?
you have to take in consideration, since your computer hass touch functionalities, the browser reads this information making the gallery believe it is a touch device and it's why it shows the touch icons.
Many thanks!