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Kenneth S.
Kenneth S.

Can't add pages under a New Level  en

Autor: Kenneth S.
Visitado 1212, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

This was working, and on December 15th it stopped working: I added a new level called 'About' (I selected not to show page menu for the 'About' level pages), and then placed three pages under it (Home Church, Support Address, and Doctine). When I saved, and then selected 'Preview' the new About button does nothing. If I select 'preview' while one of the pages under 'About' is highlighted, the preview takes me to, and shows me the page; but the page menu is present (after I selected it not to be). Then, if I click on a menu item to leave the 'About' level, I'm taken to the new choice; but the 'About' button no longer function (it changes color on Mouse Over, but does nothing when clicked on). it appears for the time being, I must avoid using the drop down menu?

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Kenneth, on the map (as in attachment in your post), you need to highlight About and click on properties and then select which page you would like it to automatically open.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Kenneth S.
Kenneth S.

Thank you. I do understand the suggestion given above works, and I can do that. However I'm concerned that the ability to have the About tab give a Drop Down Menu when hovered on has apparently 'went away'. Thank you.

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Publicado en de Kenneth S.
Kenneth S.
Kenneth S.

I wish to thank you for your help. The 'problem' was of my own making: I had the Hide Menu for the new 'About' level checked in its properties. When I unchecked it, the drop down menu returned - amazing! Thank you for your time.

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Publicado en de Kenneth S.