WebSite X5Help Center

Paul Dunn
Paul Dunn

Jpg file and video files not displaying on IOS devices using Evolution 9  en

Autor: Paul Dunn
Visitado 1357, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

I previously opened this posting last summer ....  

"The home page train jpg image does not appear on ios devices ... also under Gallery, Now and Then the videos do not appear at all on ios devices ... all video files are mp4 type and 1 is flv type. All show perfectly on Windows OS. Video files were created in MS Movie Maker and saved for use as MPEG-4. How can this be corrected?" 

In response the moderator gave this good advice below ..

"Version 9 of WebSite X5 made use of Adobe Flash in various ways to render media files.  At the time this was a very popular option for media playback on the web.

However, Flash has rapidly fallen from favour over the last few years, is not supported on Apple devices, and is quickly becoming obsolete on desktop devices too.

I strongly recommend that you consider upgrading to a more recent version of WebSite X5:

If you do not wish to upgrade then the best solution I could offer would be to avoid using those parts of version 9 which utilise Flash, and instead use third-party custom code using the HTML Object."

I now wish to upgrade but the website I manage is very simple,

only showing various text information and photo / video galleries only so would my needs be better suited to upgrading to WebsiteX5 Start 13 version rather than the more detailed feature set of WebsiteX5 Evolution 13? 



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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Paul, I am only a user, but I would strongly recommend Website X5 Evolution 13.

Start limitations:

  • The maximum number of pages in Start is 25 per site (you already have 23?)
  • You cannot import from Evo 9 to Start 13 (but you can export Evo 9 and import into Evo 13)
  • Start does not support responsive websites.

Your site could look great on tablets and smart phones and adding further to the need to be responsive is the fact that google actively downgrades search ranking for sites that are not responsive, but for this you need a minimum of Evolution 13.

When you import your site you may need to recreate your galleries after import, or you may choose to simply recreate your site using either the new templates or perhaps create your own. None the less, the task is relatively easy. Evo will offer all the tools you need without the limitations imposed by start.

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