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Andre E
Andre E

Try to restart pc then do a full upload and see if it helps, I don't see a problem.

Else make a prtscrn of the problem.


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Publicado en de Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

That looks very strange I can't replicate it on my test side, so maybe it's something in the project. Do you use custom coding? If yes try without it.

If not, try exporting your project, import the exported project. do preview with ctrl button pressed. Then a full upload go online press F5 in your browser and see if this has helped.

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Publicado en de Andre E
Vitaly Semenov
Vitaly Semenov
Andre E
Это выглядит очень странно, я не могу воспроизвести его на моей тестовой стороне, так что, может быть, это что-то в этом проекте. Используете ли вы пользовательские кодирования? Если да попробовать без него. Если нет, то попробуйте экспортировать свой проект, импортировать экспортированный проект. делать предварительный просмотр с помощью кнопки Ctrl нажатой. Тогда полная загрузка перейти онлайн нажмите F5 в браузере и посмотреть, если это помогло.

I am trying to use custom code only on a minimum (necessary tools ): Google Analytics, AddTnis (sidebar), the form of Disqus commenting, player of Soundcloud, Google Adsense ads, in blog code player YouTube, that's all. I think it is not critical. Your recommendation I will try and write what happened. Thank you.

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Publicado en de Vitaly Semenov
Vitaly Semenov
Vitaly Semenov

This problem was solved for me. In another post, Claudio D. gave the following good advice.

"Hello Vitaly,

Thank you for informing me the issue with the blog is solved.

About the hamburgermenu issue the developers are working on it. At the moment to make it work correctly in step 2 - Drop Down Menu change the "effect" from "drop top left" to none.

Many thanks!"

Thanks a

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Publicado en de Vitaly Semenov
Andre E
Andre E


Thanks for the feedback.

Best Regards.

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Publicado en de Andre E