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Janosch Schäfer
Janosch Schäfer

Migrate Text Elements from v9 to en v13 Project  en

Autor: Janosch Schäfer
Visitado 950, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

Hi There,

i am Building my page fresh in the v13. And i wonder if i can Migrate the Text Elements from my v9 Project.

Is there a way to copy the whole Text Object to my new v13 Project?

Kind Regards

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Janosch, unfortunately I no longer have V9 installed. You could try opening both versions of the project and copying the cells between version, but I do not know if this will work. However, I have found it both simple and fast to copy cell contents from one version to another, or even to do so from the old published version. Simply start by laying out the cells on the page the same as they were in V9, then copy and paste the content.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Janosch Schäfer
Janosch Schäfer

Hi Thank you for your Reply.

I make a Backup of my v9 website, imported it in Version 13 and start 2 instances of the v13. Then i was able to copy Elemetns between the 2 Websites.

This works very well!!

Kind Regards

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Publicado en de Janosch Schäfer