WebSite X5 Spring Update Announcement - Yeah Right! 
Autor: John L.I laughed out loud when I read your email today regarding the scheduled spring update. Why would anybody use WebSite X5 to write an ebook or anything else containing words? It doesn't even have a spell checker to help eliminate typos. And no matter how long or how many times your paying customers ask you to add a spell checker feature--something that is common in all other commercial software--you ignore their requests time and again. I know, I asked for the feature two or three versions ago and saw on the user forum that others had been asking for the addition of a spell checker much longer!
Sorry but your attempt to create marketing buzz with your unexciting announcement has fallen on deaf ears. Without a spell checker, WebSite X5 is a bad joke and an even worse investment.
What's even more hilarious is the marketing piece has typos in it. Too bad the creator didn't have a spell checker! Oh, that was uncalled for. I apologize.
To be nice, I'll tell you about the typos I found so you can have somebody correct them. In the line that reads, "If you’re a food blogger, then you could make an ebook out of your receipts and publish it on your blog and on ebook stores."
Well, if you were a food blogger you probably would not earn much money selling your "receipts" but you might be able to sell your recipes. If they were good.
Also, in the English version of the PDF download there are headings written in Italian. (Or is it spelled Italyan? I really need a spell checker!)
Anyway, that sort of defeats the pupose of providing the document in English. Or was it supposed to be a joke? I can never tell with you guys.
I just could not resist the opportunity. It's so hard living in a world where you can't tell the truth.
Have a great day!
Hello John,
Thanks for the spelling tips.
A spell checker is a good idea maybe it will be made in the future, although a spell checker is not always correct as well.
About this message from Incomedia;
Maybe for you, this update to sell software in the store is not useful, but many users have asked this, and Incomedia has made this option, nothing wrong with that is there?
Wishing you a great day as well
I removed 1 line from your post simply because it's not called for, you are very welcome to give your opinion but stay polite as the terms of use state.
Hello Andre,
Thanks for your reply.
I have to agree with you, there is nothing wrong with providing features that users ask for. In fact, meeting the demands of the market are what capitalism is all about. And I have no issues at all with writing an ebook and selling it online. I think it is a good idea to author something useful and sell it to other people for a fair price. We can't all be experts at everything so getting advice from other people proves to be beneficial.
My issue is that using WebSite X5 may not be the best tool for creating an ebook because it does not have a spell checker, and if you're going to write and publish then you need a good spell checker to help catch the typos. Having grammatical errors in a publication undermines the effort it took to write and publish it because most readers are distracted by the errors.
So having a spell checker in WebSite X5 is actually a fantastic idea, but what makes you believe it will be added to the program in the future? I'd really like to know because I'd like to use my licensed copy a lot more instead of having to use WordPress to create web sites.
And please answer this question: Why do the moderators on this forum consistently downplay the lack of a spell checker and rebuff users for getting frustrated about it?
The users made the purchase of WebSite X5, discovered it had no spell checker, asked for the feature, and then waited patiently for the feature to be implemented. But version after version the feature never materializes.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Hello John,
I can speak only for myself and I do not rebuff users, you are entitled to your opinion and you have every right to ask for a spellchecker, in fact I encourage you to create another IDEA post just as a reminder.
I really think that it is not a bad Idea to have.
But Incomedia has many requests and it is there program, so like many software developers they listen to the customers but I guess it's close to impossible to implement every wish and sometimes there are technical issues involved.
Don't misunderstood me here I am speaking in general and not specilicaly for the spellchecker now.
And just to be clear I am a user just like you and I am not working for Incomedia, just helping them out in this forum.
And some of my ideas have also not been implemented (yet I still hope) but that's how things go. Ever asked Microsoft for some updates or features? I have, guess what....... Yes you are right never got any answer at all!
I can only say be patient and wait and hope they will implement it and in the meantime use the program or use another one or a workaround, whatever works for every person. I think X5 saves a lot of time and it creates a pritty good site for the effort you need to spent.
Best regards,
Thanks again for your reply.
In all fairness to Microsoft, because your example was not exactly a fair comparison, there has been a spell checker in its office and creativity software since the very first versions. Also, Microsoft conducts focused user studies before it releases a new version. That is why there are so many features built into Microsoft's software, and the applications are often referred to as being "bloated" because of the abundance of features. (No, I don't work for Microsoft.)
I truly appreciate that you personally do not rebuff users for voicing their frustration or disbelief. However, if you read through this forum you will find comments by ************* (I blocked it out for you this time) where he did rebuff users who were only asking questions and not being aggressive or disrespectful. Thank you for respecting each user's right to freedom of speech.
I'm sorry to hear that you too are waiting for new features in WebSite X5. I hope that your patience is rewarded in the near future. I could not wait indefinitely because of the work I do. I'll check back from time to time to see if Incomedia has implemented a spell checker. And I'll hope for the best.
It has been nice to chat with you and I wish you well.
Andre is right incomedia get so many requests for features for website x5it would be impossible to add them all, such as the ability to sell digital downloads, newsletter function and so much more, we just need to be patient with each version of website x5 they have made it better (by the way i am not affiliated with incomedia in anyway except we provide templates and tutorials for website x5).
so here's to having patience and let's see what future updates bring.
Hi Jamie,
That's what WordPress is for. And there's no waiting for the features to be added "someday." WordPress already does all that you mentioned and more.
It just comes down to how you want to spend your time...waiting or doing.
Thanks for your reply.
Actually, John, the message from Incomedia wasn't suggesting you use Website X5 to CREATE the ebook...just to market it. The email suggests that you can use Indesign or other similar programs for ebook creation (even Word...) and then convert the book to one of the suggested formats using a named free software solution. (I forget the name, sorry).
It's not an earthshattering announcement in any case, but as I am one of the X5 users who is working on an eBook right now, it was useful to me.
Good morning John!
First of all, I would like to thank you for opening this post, it is very important for us to have feedback from our users especially when it comes to particular emails like the one we sent you yesterday.
As Wayne kindly added, our Spring update announcement wanted to warn all our users that we are going to release a new special update of WebSite X5, then we explain how it is possible to create and sell an ebook and we give instructions on how to do it. We describe how you can create your ebook with other programs, what you should do to promote it and how you can add it into your very own website. I hope this is clear now.
I see that you are interested in a spell checker and know that it has already been asked for many times. Our developers constantly read all your ''idea'' posts so please feel free to open a new one if you like.
I'm sure that they do their best to please our users and if they have not added this particular function up until now, there probably is a very good reason.
Now that I know that you are interested in this, I will personally write back if I have any updates, and in the meantime I suggest to use word as a work around, to check your text before you add it into WebSite X5.
I wish to inform you that we have fixed the PDF document and the typos, thank you for pointing them out.
Once again, thank you for your help and suggestions.
Wishing you a lovely day,
Hello Samantha,
Thank you for your response. Please explain how writing content in Word is a suitable work around since Word adds proprietary formatting codes to the text. I doubt that WebSite X5 can accurately render the proprietary code unless Incomedia is paying licensing fees to Microsoft for use of its rending engine.
It's just a guess, but perhaps you are suggesting saving the Word document as a plain text file, pasting that into X5, and then formatting the text once it's inside of X5? If so, that is not a convenient work around. The only benefit to that method would be that the text could be checked by Word's spell checker and thesaurus before pasting it into X5.
To be clear, I really like WebSite X5 and I had high hopes for its use when I purchased it. When I found that it lacked such a basic feature as a spell checker I was surprised. So I carefully reviewed the marketing material again to see how I missed such a thing, but I saw that there was no mention of the omission of a spell checker. Then I became angry because I felt I had been duped. But I channeled that into something constructive and I did some research and found two multi-language open source dictionaries that could be incorporated into the application, and I sent that information to Incomedia via the user forum. (One of the dictionaries is used in the LibreOffice software.) All I got back was the standard "thank you" two-step shuffle brush off that every other user gets when asking for a spell checker. So let's just say that I became disenchanted at that point. However, I still check for the inclusion of a spell checker with each new release of X5 because one never knows what the future may hold.
In conclusion, I saw that corrections were made to the recent marketing piece regarding the spring update. However, at the present time the section 3 title of the English PDF version download is still in a language other than English. You may want to have someone look at that and correct it.
Thank you and you have a good day as well.
Best regards,
Good morning John,
thank you for your answer.
I apologise for not explaining exactly what I meant: you can write your text in word so that you can use the spell checker and thesaurus before pasting it into X5. This is the only way you can avoid typos for now and this is exactly what's missing in the WebSite X5 text object.
I'm sorry that you feel as if we lead you in the wrong direction. Normally we communicate all the functions that can be found in the program, we do not specify what it isn't. We also give our users the chance to download the demo version in order to test it, discover how it works and see if it's right for them.
Thank you for pointing out (once again) the error in the PDF document, we have fixed it.
As promised in my previous answer, I will contact you personally in this post if I have any additional information about a spell checker in the text object.
Thank you for your time, your patience and for being so understanding.
Best regards,