Pet available listings 
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I would like to create a page for listing my avalible pets like this website page. Is there a way to do it in Website X5
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You could use the blog-object for this.
You can add images and even galleries for a post.
You can have different categories.
You can set up if people are allowed to make comments to a post, or not.
You could also use a 3. party software for this, but for this purpose I would thing that using the blog would be the best for you.
Hope this helps you.
Kind regards
John S.
How do i impliment this in X5
Instructions for using the PetRescue Feed
The easiest way to include your PetRescue listings on your own site via the PetRescue Feed is using a frameset. Note - you don't need to change the whole layout of your site to frames; just the page that you want to include your PetRescue listings on.
Simply place your normal site headers, logos, navigation etc into frames that are derived from your normal site layout, and for the main (central) frame, use the page:
Hello Robert
Okay - it is an frame we talk about.
This is rather easy ( as everything when you know ).
I have just made an example page on one of my test-sites.
Look here :
If this is what you want, then you can see how to make an iframe here :
You just have to specify the src as : src=""
That should be all.
Kind regards
John S.
So i dont need all this code?
<div class="contentpane">
Cats available for adoption </h1>
<iframe onload="iFrameHeight()" id="blockrandom"
This option will not work correctly. Unfortunately, your browser does not support inline frames.</iframe>
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It seems that there in the code is some "news". I guess you have "clipped" the code. The news will be hardcoded if you do it this way.
I have made a new example for you :
Here you will default see the dogs. If you look at the underlined dogs Cats then clicking on these, will fill the iframe with the corresponding content.
By using iframes you really need very little code.
I have made a page where you can see what is takes :
I hope you are helped by this.
Kind regards
John S.
Hello Robert
You have not given any feedback to the last post. I assume You have solved your problem.
I will therefore inform you ( and other that maybe reads this post after today ) , that I will by tomorrow remove the example page and the instruction page. So - from tomorrow my posts trying to help, will give no meaning.
Kind regards
John S.