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Nils G O.
Nils G O.

Preview on X5 13 Evolution  en

Autor: Nils G O.
Visitado 1923, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

After upgrading from X11 Evolusion to X13 Evolusion I can´t preview in X13 but still in X11

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Nils, when you got V13 did you import from an iwzip file created in V11?

Does the project open without errors and allow you to make changes if you wish?

When you select preview what happens? (nothing?, empty preview?, error message?)

What version of Windows are you using?

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Publicado en de Esahc ..
Nils G O.
Nils G O.

No. I just create a new project.

It is the videos I don´t can preview. The error message is "your browser must support HTML5 or Adobe flash"

I have both installed.

The same videos I can preview OK in Evolusion X5 11.

I use Windows 10.

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Publicado en de Nils G O.
Nils G O.
Nils G O.

No, nothing works. I have tried everything.
Installed on another computer. Did not work.
Must now use X5 ver. 11 instead. There must be errors in the software. Hope for an upcoming update.

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Publicado en de Nils G O.
Myron A.
Myron A.

After launching the preview, simply select another browser from the small icon in the top right corner of the screen, and you'll see the video playing properly.

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Publicado en de Myron A.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Nils, Myron is quite correct, but because you have Evolution you need to export your website to disk (step 5). You can then go to where you saved it and open the index file. Your videos should be visible when uploaded to the web or previewed using your default browser.

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Publicado en de Esahc ..