Problem to load new project with Evolution v14! Help! 
Autor: Ofer Seror
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I have a very large project/website (> 6Gb), containing lots of pictures. Up until Evolution v12 (the previous version) opening the project was a matter of seconds (on my Windows Now with Evolution v13 and 14 it takes 10-15 minutes ! to open the same project (it was exported from v12 and imported to v13 and v14 ,I thought it would happen only once (after an update of the software which I thought might require conversion of some files or generating small versions of all the images on the site), but unfortunately, it takes 10 minutes EVERY TIME I open the project. This is absolutely frustrating,after load the project on v14 project stuck.
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Ofer, where is the delay?
Opening WX5, Initialising project files or creating project files?
I assume you have saved the upgraded project, but have you also recently restarted your PC?
You may also wish to export the project to iwzip in V14, then import that project again, save it, close WX5 and then see if when you re-open the newer project the performance has improved.
For what it's worth, if the slow project start is being experienced in both V13 & V14, the problem may be large images. On the only project I had with large images when converting to V13 I found that reducing the size of the original images inside the project to no more than 1200px wide made a dramatic improvement in start up times.
this is a link to our site : (v 12 ) work perfect in v 12,but when we try convert to zip and re
open still slow loading to v13 and v 14 aim very disappoint from the performance of both last versions v13 an v14,
its ridicules that older version work better than newer version,
Ofer, I have loaded your site and it is very good, but it did take a minute or 2 (which is a significant delay in itself) to load the first time into my browsers and many subsequent pages after loading the home page also took considerable time.
Whilst a daunting task with so many pictures and sliders and such a large site, I suspect the only way you will dramatically improve performance is (over time) to ensure that each (original) picture inserted into WX5 is no larger than it needs to be for the website display. I cannot make excuses for performance issues in WX5 because I really do not know what the changes were between V12 & V13, but I suspect changes made to improve stability and generate the smallest possible footprint when generating an image rich website has resulted in the performance hit. This is further impacted by the fact that your site is responsive and WX5 has to effectively generate 4 versions of your site for each update.
If this is not an acceptable solution, and you haven't done so already, I found that swapping out my internal hard drive and replacing it with an SSD, then only working locally on my PC (not using networked or USB drives) turbo charged WX5, but this came at a monetary cost.
If this response is not acceptable (or wrong), I am sure Incomedia will respond if you make a further request for explanation.
I'm sorry I could not be of more assistance.