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Wylde P.
Wylde P.

Isolated logins for different areas in the web page  en

Autor: Wylde P.
Visitado 867, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

I am creating a website for our condo complex. I need logins for condo related stuff to all owners and I want to create an area for the condo executives ONLY but when I test and login as any random owner I can go to both areas. How can I isolate them. I am using X5 Evolution Ver 10.

I have created and Administrator login and Owners login and locked the pages so they require login. This is where the problem starts for me and it seems I can't isolate that the login can only see the owners or only see Adminstration. I suppose admin can see either but owners should not be able to see admin.

Does this make sense?


PS. I am unsure if upgrading will help, I am hoping what I have can create what I need as I am doing this for free and the cost of the software is out of my own pocket. I don't plan on making a career doing web sites so spending more is really pointless.

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Wylde P.
Wylde P.

Update, I decided to bite the bullet and get the most up-to-date I now have Evolution 14. Besides my earlier question, how do I remove "Registration" button on the login page.

I figured I can update my own website which is very old so maybe I can use it as a business expense some day in the future if I decide to persue my home business again.

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Publicado en de Wylde P.
John S.
John S.

Hello Wylde

If you want to have different access-levels to different pages, then you should have your users in different groups.

You could make it so, that if you had :

Group 1 and group 2

And then you could have :

Area 1  - here you give access for group 1

Area 2 - here you give access for group 1 and for group 2.

I have made an example that I tell about in this post :

I have removed the login/logout in the header, but you could try to log in on page

The message that stands for 5 seconds is something special that has been made - as standard you would instead see the login-page.

Kind regards

John S.

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Publicado en de John S.
Wylde P.
Wylde P.

I will try what you gave me here. I think I understand. Trying and testing will help me get it, but you have at least given me the structure I needed.

Thanks :)

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Publicado en de Wylde P.