Sitemap again 
Autor: Marius T.
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We have been waiting a few months hoping that the sitemap will be included in Pro 14 version. It is very very usefull for some users.
Nothing can be done?
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Up, Incomedia ... waiting for an answer.
Hi Marius,
You should not have a problem with the sitemap in V14.
Everything is allright for me and for my more than 12 projects.
Of course, now in V14, the sitemap is no longer visible in the bottom of your page but it exists!
Go to step 1, General, SEO and click on
Then you add the Meta Tag for Search Console - follow the Google process to obtain the Meta tag:
Upload your website with thi meta tag. Then you add properties
, then validate, etc.
After validation, you access to this dashboard :
At the right of the window you have
open >> and click on
then click and write this in the field
--> test or validate! Then it's OK.
You'll see every thing you want now in the dashboard!
If you really want that the sitemap appears in your page, you can add the new object "menu" where you want:
Tell me if it's OK now for you.
sitemap.xml is ok,
Unfortunately sitemap.html or .php is still missing in v14,
we miss this too !!
I (and my customers) miss it too!
It would be very helpfull if Incomedia gives responses to Idea posts. Should I wait for it? Or should I implement it on my own? Not a good attitude to delete usefull features without offering alternatives.
Thanks JJ
I understand now
It is not the sitemap but the imsitemap. (url/imsitemap.html)
I just test with a old project V13: and it's OK
But with my site remade with V14 : error 404 page not found
So, in my last answer to Marius, at the end, I have suggest to him to add an object "Menu"...
But I just try now and unfortunately, it doesn't replace our old imsitemap.
Sorry for my mistake and thanks to the developpers to do something!
Incomedia, give us back the sitemap!
seems that they don't care ...
At least they could give an answer. Could be one of the following :
1. Fu*k you users - you will never see the sitemap again.
2. For every new function we add, we have to remove another function.
3. There is a technical reason - we have removed it because .....
4. We are restructuring the sitemap - it will be back in ver. 15 soon.
Hello guys,
I am sorry for keeping you wait.
First of all I would like to thank you for the Idea post, it is always appreciated.
Now, as you all know, the menu is now an Object, which can be more freely managed. This includes the possibility of including it in the footer, which made the site map partially superfluous, if you consider that you also had fewer options to customize it, if compared to the current Menu Object. Because of this, it has been removed.
I hope having clarified your doubts. Kind regards.
sounds pretty much like John S.'s no.1.
In my opinion, the imsitemap.html is based on the menu object, but on the other hand is an independent feature, which is used by many visitors to a site as a clearly arranged shortcut. If it is not available again then please extend the menu object in such a way that it becomes possible to display it on a page as an unfolded tree. Should not be that complicated!
I hate the strategie of Incomedia putting the workload on the users by taking away used functionality to cover design mistakes made in the initial development.
I was hoping it would be no. 4 instead of no. 1
Seems to be no. 1 like all software companies they do not care about customer needs as soon as they become a brand.
Shame, Incomedia!
Hello everyone,
Following my post and Stefano'answer...
I came to reproduce the sitemap.html into a test project, with pages only or with levels and pages.
I still have some problems to solve (appearance, collapse/expand links..).
Everything else works
I do not know anything about coding. I just take xhat I find in my old projects and adapt it.
If one of you wishes to stick to it, I send him the code that I realized.
Hi Danielle
Seems to be great what you develop there. I am sticking with it, than you!
Hi Marius,
See attached some files to help you (and us...).
Waiting for news from you!
Many thanks.
Danielle, Marius
May be this tool could be help you
Merci AXEL !
Tu as testé ?
Testé pas à fond, mais regardé vite fait... Je pense que cela doit le faire...
il m'a sorti cela sur mon site...
et il export un xml et un html
Tu nous dis si tu regardes... comme ca le forum vit ...:-)
Merci Axel, je regarde et fais un retour de mon expérience.
Suivi de mon test avec SMWP :
Apprès téléchargement et quelques retouches, voici ce que ça donne :
C'est certainement utile pour le visiteur ; pour le référencement, reste à voir si cela suffit et remplace notre ancienne page spéciales !
Il faudrait mixer le code de notre ancien sitemap.html avec celui donné par SMWP pour retrouver l'ancienne interface avec les icônes de niveaux et pages.
A l'occasion, si quelqu'un veut approfondir pour aider...
Only 10 URL's in trial version ...
... Marius, it means that we have to work with my solution may be!?
Etes vous certain que la console de Google n'indique pas tout comme j'ai ici !
Je ne suis pas persuadé qu'à ce jour un lien sitemap.html ou plan de site soit utile pour les visiteurs.
Par ailleurs concernant le crawling par les moteurs de recherche je pense que désormais ils sont basés sur un sitemap.XML... Mais attention il faut aussi que le fichier robots.txt soit là et à jour... car le crawler va aller voir si il existe pour continuer son travail ou pas.
Un article sur le sujet:
vous pouvez aussi ajouter votre site sur:
Yes, Danielle ...
May be this will be useful. At the bottom of the report there is a full list with URL.
But making a sitemap from those links is difficult.