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Paul F.
Paul F.

V17 Sticky Bar Problem  en

Autor: Paul F.
Visitado 1738, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

I have generally found the upgrade to version 17 problem free; however, one thing I have noticed is with the sticky bar display on a smartphone.

If the smartphone is in portrait mode, the sticky bar appears OK but when the phone is turned to landscape the bar is offset. Refreshing the browser window and the sticky bar returns to the correct position, but then turning the phone back to portrait and the sticky bar is offset again, but this time in the opposite direction.

The sticky bar works very well in version 16 – no problems at all.

Has anyone else noticed this problem?

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Stefano G.

Hi Paul

Thank you for your report

I've verified the issue and proceeded to notifying the developers about this.

As soon as news on this become available I will be sure to let you know here

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.