How do you create a direct URL page for each product? 
Autor: German L.Hello! I found this portion of information in the "How to Sell eBooks and other Digital products in your online store" (here's the URL: and I wanted to know if someone could advise or elaborate more as to how to do the following:
#tip Save time! If you have a lot of products and you don't want to create a page for each one, use the Product Catalog object: the program will automatically create a page for each product.
This tip is mentioned in section 5 (Create the Buy Now Button) but I wanted to know how to achieve this. Right now, in my website, such as on this link at (this was not made with Website X5 but I'm hoping to use X5 to upgrade my website), if you scroll down on my site's page, you'll see that each catalog item has a name with a clickable link, which is an automatic page created off of the object itself instead of my having to create a page for each object manually.
With the tip mentioned above, how do you actually achieve this to where X5 will make an automatic page for each object? Right now, I'm thinking I have to create 900+ pages, one for each of my instrumentals, so that when someone clicks on the name, it'll take them to the individual page. However, I would much prefer to be able to have X5 automatically create a page for each catalog item, each item with its own URL as well.
Is this possible? And how do I achieve making this happen? Maybe I'm missing something... crossing my fingers that this IS possible as it would save me SOOOO much time instead of having to create a manual page for each item to allow the name to click to. Thanks in advance.
Hello German
You could make a product for each instrumental.
This would be the 900 products I think.
When creating the products you group the products.
Club beats
Dirty south beats
And so on - this would be about 20 groups I think.
Then you make a page for each group, and on the page you tell about the music.
On the page for the Club beats you put a text-object where you have the text for the group, and under the text, you have a product-catalog-object, where you have checked the "Club Beats" group.
Then on this page you will see the text for the Club Beats, and underneath you will see all the products belonging to the "club beats" group.
This should only require about 20 pages.
Hope you see what I mean.
You could start create some few products for a couple of groups, and then create a pair of pages with the text and the product-catalog-object set for a specific group.
Hello John,
Thank you for your information. I actually already have that planned and am aware of how to set that up, and have also created categories within the "Shopping Cart" in terms of the products and then "checkboxing" the related categories for each page.
However, with that "tip" above that was mentioned on the post, it gave me the impression that there was an easy way to make each product have its own page as well.
I mention this, because as my current site shows (as you could see from clicking on the link), the category page is already created which has various instrumentals related to that category. However, when you click on the Name of the instrumental, it will then take you to its own web page for that specific instrumental only.
It appeared to me that the "tip" above sounded like what my current website is able to do now, and so I was wondering if this was possible as well without actually having to create 900+ separate pages and setting up each one.
The benefit for me currently that I would hope is possible with X5 without having to create individual pages for each beat, is that when I have an artist reach out to me, I could direcly link them to the specific beat's page, rather than the category page... or when I do social network promoting and want to promote one specific beat, I would be able to do so, versus having to share the category page.
I'm hoping that the "tip" that was mentioned actually is a way to allow this to happen. However, I am not currently sure how to do that other than to create 900+ individual pages which I'm trying very much to avoid if at all possible.
Thanks in advance.
Hello german
I think I understand what you mean.
You would like to be able to specify the showing of the products should be as for blogposts - if an item were a blogpost you could have a page where all the posts for a category were shown on the same page, but instead of you had to scroll, you would have a pagination on the page where you could go back and forward or to a specific page.
On the products page you are in fact able to go directly to a specific product by using the id for the product.
If you could/would give a link to a testpage where you have a number of products, I could show you how to make the URL that will point directly to a specific product.
Hello again John,
Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it. And you would be correct in that I would want it to be where each instrumental has the ability to open to its own page similar to how I have things on the site I have now.
I was playing around with testing on my other site that I used X5 to create. However if I can get X5 to work how I'm hoping to, I can then begin recreating my website with X5.
The testing link I have is here:
Right now, on that test page, I only created 3 test products. As you can see at this time though, the Names of each are not links or anything at all. I know that I can go into the "Product Settings" portion of the products, and in the "General" tab, I have the option to create a LINK where the name would be. However, this is where I notice that it would allow me to link to a page, and if I were to create 900+ individual pages, I would then be able to select the corresponding page. However, I'm hoping there's a much simpler way.
I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to actually create the design for the page that the URL that points to a specific product would happen. However, any insight you have in this process is greatly appreciated.
I went ahead and created a brief diagram of what I'm hoping to achieve, which at this point so far, I seem to be only able to do if I create an actual page for each of my 900+ beats, and then use the "LINK" option in "General" under the "Product Settings" tab in the Shopping Cart products list to manually link each. Hoping there's a much easier way though, Lol!
Again, any insight is greatly apprecited! Thank you in advance!
It's funny because as I play around with the Blog page and how it's set up, the blog seems to have similar characteristics that I would hope the shop to have, such as the ability to create clickable tags, or specific URLs that relate to the blog, and a Description field that allows us to add text, pictures, change font size and color, bullet point, etc. which would be great if the "Product Settings" - "General" Description box would also allow us to do. However, it would be awesome if we were able to use some of the Objects within the Description box of both the Product, and the Blog as well. I may have to suggest that in the IDEA section of the forum.
Still crossing my fingers that I will be able to recreate my websites in X5 and that it will work out well to my advantage, especially as my older site uses a much older website builder that is NOT mobile responsive, vs X5 being mobile responsive which I like.
Hoping there is indeed a work around, though I have some ideas I may add to the IDEA forum as well after dealing with this situation and obstacle. Thanks again in advance to anyone who is able to add to this post with your workaround regarding lots of products without having to manually create a page for each and every one.
If you create 5 - 10 more products on the same page, then I could show you how to create a link that leads directy to a specific product. 3 products is not enough for example.
** Important ** You should know that I am able to download the example-files in the product description.
The new test-products you add, you need not example files or download links - I will only show you how you can link directly to a product.
I'll look to add a few more to the page. As far as your being able to download the example files, those would be tagged instrumentals at the moment as my test... were you able to download directly from the player? Or the actual file that would be available once purchased?
And by linking directly to the product, are you stating to link for example, directly to the mp3 file that I would have? Or would it create a page that would have the product information on it like the product card shows?
No - I extracted the link in the description - then open the link that shows athe player where download is possible.
We could take that later.
What I will show you is : from anywhere ( could be from a new post here on the forum - or could be from a blog-post ) you could have a link. This link will lead directly to the page where the product is, and will place the specific product on top of the page. Same as when you have an anchor.
Oh okay, I actually already had some more mock products on my site, so I just "check marked" them into the shop a moment ago, so it should now have roughly 10 items if I'm not mistaken.
Hope this helps with what you required in terms of being able to show me how to link to a product page directly. Thanks in advance.
Here comes some links to some products :
Another test 2 :
Test Beat Jade 2 :
Test Beat TestingL :
The last number in the URL is the products order on the page.
This is not an ideal solution, but it functions.
Disadvantage is, that you may not delete or uncheck any products as the order then will change - the product that before was 15 could then be 14 - and so on.
As there is no offset for the "anchor" then the product will be placed on top and then comes the sticky menu. This could be solved by another setting of the structure/header/menu.
Thank you John for the information, I appreciate it and will keep that in mind. Unfortunately, with what I was hoping, I'm guessing I'll have to wind up manually creating a bunch of pages for each individual item. That's what it's seeming to be at this point.
I may however submit an IDEA post for this. I was hoping that things would be similar to how the blog is set up... such as where it takes you to a post page when you click on the post link. However, I can see how this is possible as the Blog allows you to create a URL for each post, which is not yet the case for the Shopping Cart page.
I may suggest however that this may be considered as a feature with hopes that they will consider implementing something such as it down the line.
I realized that I can right click on my PC and do a "Save Audio As" with regards to the file itself. I'd have to look for some code to prevent that, though the instrumentals that would be on the player would be tagged completely with my voice tag on it anyway, rendering it useless on a project unless they want a bunch of vocals on it.
Thanks again for your help John, I appreciate it!
Anyone else out there know if it is even possible to create an actual page for each product? This is the tip that I'm still confused about as to how to actually make this happen:
Is this tip referring to making one page and to use the Product Catalog object to display all the products on a page? Or can you actually "create a page for each product" and if so, how do you achieve this with the Product Catalog object without manually creating a page for each product?
Thanks in advance!
In fact it is possible, that you on a blog-post make an "Add" button. you can even specify how many items to buy.
When clicked, the product will be added to the cart. But it requires that you still have the products created in the product-catalog-object.
I have made some tests where I have the products shown in a database, where you can click to add the product to cart.
It will also function when put in a blog post. But it requires some coding.
About the preventing of saving the example files, I will advice you not to spend too much time on this. I ( and others ) can save anything that comes out of the speakers. If you make it available on the web - then it is available. If it can be seen or heard, it can be copied.
I think you should go on with the one-page-per-product. This will function and will require no special code. You can refer to a specific page where there is some text and where also is a product-catalog-object for this specific product.
You can still have a page for a category where you ALSO shows ALL the products for this category.
Good luck with your project - I hope some of my inputs have been of some value for you.
I do appreciate all of your help John and all of the information that you provided. I think I'm going to submit my request to them as an IDEA to see if it may be implemented in the near future. I'll have to consider setting up a page for each product for now despite not wanting to do that. I'll have to figure out the best way to make doing that as easy as possible for 900+ products as well as redoing another site of mine that has 400+ products in it. Going to be a task! Lol!
With the blog post, it seemed like an option but the shopping cart would be an issue, and the players actually don't play or load up properly so I'm going to scrap the blog idea... but the blog URL idea will lead me to my IDEA suggestion for the product description.
As far as preventing the sound download, I'm not worried about that aspect since what is loaded up in the players will have my vocal tags throughout the whole mp3, versus the purchased one that will be free of protective tagging.
Thanks again John! I appreciate it.
If anyone else has any workarounds or suggestions with regards to a digital shop of over 900 beats and a product page for each product, chime in. Thanks in advance!