Website x5 needs a drastic update 
Autor: JOHN B.
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Hi everyone i am thinking of buying the templatetoaster software apparently this software is very very ecommerce friendly and supports many platforms like WooCommerce, Magento 1.9.x & 2.x, PrestaShop 1.6 & 1.7, OpenCart 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3, etc It is also a offline website builder like website x5 but with more bells and whistles which i think ecommerce website building tools need in this day and age.i am happy with website x5 and i am prepared to support incomedia for another few months if there are some major changes in the software to support ecommerce.I am waiting for these changes to take place maybe you should design something around ecommerce for customers that only want an online store.
I am waiting but my patience is running out.
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you dream !
you sound like you are also frustrated.
obviously... I am waiting since more 1 yr an update about the payment mecanism to change it and to pay before to receive confirmation
This issue has been asked by many people since 3 yrs !!!!
alone product on the market to send a confirmation before to pay !!!!
What the usage of Update Protection.....
Incomedia needs to break up this software up into catogories with ecommerce prehaps being a catagory of its own and the designing around each catogory.i bought this software because they comvinced me it was a winner on their website.i expect them to fillfill their promise that they will listen to their customers when they speak.after all happy customer happy seller or in this case happy developer.listen to what your customers want and go back to the drawing board if need x 5 could be a top product if the customers needs where taken seriously.i would like to continue with website x5 because i believe in the product but please produce a product that is sufficient for our needs.
i hope this will be taken seriously.
All of a sudden the moderaters are very quite.
That is because our only avenue is silence or to silence you. 99% of users do not wish to disparage Incomedia or advertise other products. We all have our individual hobby horse to push. WX5 gives me enough to fulfil my needs and generally meets the needs of my clients. I can guarantee that with WX5 I can continue to maintain their site at the current state of the technology. Should I choose to maintain Update Protection they will probably get even more.
Hello John,
I hope you do not confuse the volunteer moderators who are users like you, and the moderators of the company Incomedia who do not work on weekends!
Volunteer moderators are there to help the best of their ability through their knowledge of the software, and Incomedia moderators are there to read the reviews and Ideas (although some remain unanswered) ...
It is therefore necessary to wait for their reaction during the working days.
Good luck in your projects despite waiting for better days.
Esahc silence will not help in this case.I never bought this product for a hobby my friend i bought this product to make money which is the name of the game.i never once considered that an online store was a hobby or do you have a different clientel with only a few pages per website.You should be one step ahead of your competition compitition on this website should make incomedoia think about improving their product.
The X5 is a rather good product and most of the functions in it, they can name PRO without blushing.
But the shop is not for professionals. If you construct a site for a client, then the client will expect that he himself is able to maintain products and prices - but this is not possible.
Kind regards
John S.
Inspired by Cato The Elder: Furthermore consider that parallax must be fixed
By the way - Templetoaster only integrates with other web-shop-software.
You can do the same with X5.
Use X5 to build the website, and then link to, or integrate software ( like OpenCart ) into the site.
John s thank you for your valuable input i highly appreciate it.will you be able to show me how to intergrate open cart into my store if possible? :)
Hello John
The "cleanest" solution is to put OpenCart in a subfolder, and then in your website make it as a menu item, that links to the cart.
Another solution is not a real integration, but it appears so.
You make one or more pages without the template. In top of the page you place a head-menu.
You then on the page make an iframe in where you put the OpenCart.
Thank you John S i will see what i can do thank you for getting back to me.
Dear John B.,
thank you for getting in touch and sorry for keeping you wait.
Surely you are right, there is room for improvement, especially as far as the e-commerce is concerned. We have been receiving some requests, some of them have already been implemented, but unfortunately some other still aren't. This does not mean we forgot about them though!
The fact is that having several thousand customers in various countries of the world, each one with different needs, it would be very difficult to be able to satisfy all the individual requests. Moreover, it is our goal to keep WebSite X5 an easy-to-use tool and this, too, necessarily involves important decisions about what and how must be implemented. Still, it is our interest to keep developing the tool, also thanks to the suggestions you send us, which are always reported and taken into consideration.
Please let me know if I can be of any help. Kind regards.
Hi Elisa!
I really like the Incomedia philosophy, but the same company, having developed a variant aimed at a professional target, must at least offer us the same tools made available by other free platforms.
Just take inspiration from CMS like Prestashop for e-commerce and WordPress for the Blog.
They have created simple procedures and at the same time allow less experienced customers to create a serious and professional e-commerce and / or Blog.
I always remain of the opinion that WebSite X5 is a beautiful software that thanks to its simplicity of use allows to create a site in less than 5 minutes, however this simplicity, although welcome, is suitable for a target of private customers.
Turning to a professional clientele you could sacrifice simplicity with more features.
What users are clamoring for is to implement features already present in your competitors' programs.
If many are on this community it is because they believe in the company!
It is up to Incomedia to return this trust.
Yes Elisa, You are right that there are thousands of requests from all over the world and it is not possible to satisfy all customers but we historical Website X5 users are simply asking to implement in the software all those features that in 2019 are a must and are the standard on e-commerce sites around the world! We do not ask for "the moon in the well", we only ask that Website X5 is competitive with all the other software that provides so many truly PRO features to its customers, functions that today CANNOT and MUST NOT be missing in a software suitable for creating shops online. We simply want the standard features, we don't want personal features. Unfortunately, Website X5 lacks the standard features, such as: wishlist, confirmation email sent only after the order has been paid, product search through e-commerce filters, all features that a modern e-commerce site MUST necessarily have if it wants be competitive with other e-commerce sites created with other platforms. That's all.
Google traduttore:
Si Elisa, Voi avete ragione sul fatto che le richieste da tutto il mondo sono migliaia e non è possibile accontentare tutti i clienti ma noi utenti storici di Website X5 stiamo semplicemente chiedendo di implementare nel software tutte quelle funzionalità che nel 2019 sono un must e sono lo standard sui siti e-commerce di tutto il mondo! Non chiediamo "la luna nel pozzo", chiediamo solo che Website X5 sia competitivo con tutti gli altri software che forniscono tante funzionalità davvero PRO ai propri clienti, funzionalità che al giorno d'oggi NON possono e NON devono mancare in un software adatto a creare negozi online. Noi vorremmo semplicemente le funzionalità standard, non vogliamo funzionalità personali. Purtroppo in Website X5 mancano le funzionalità standard, tipo: wishlist, mail di conferma conferma inviata solo dopo che si è pagato l'ordine, ricerca dei prodotti tramite filtri nell'e-commerce, tutte funzionalità che un sito e-commerce moderno DEVE necessariamente avere se vuole essere concorrenziale con gli altri e-commerce realizzati con altre piattaforme. Tutto qui.
+++ Giuseppe... Obviously... you are right
full agree
I just started my first e-commerce page, and I am very disappointed, that the features Giuseppe highlighted above have not been implemented or corrected...
Elisa, "not forgetting" doesn't mean that the commpany is working on fixes. As I read another e-commerce requests, the missing features have not been fixed for months (if not years)... That's pathetic...
I 100% agree with JOHN B. that "Website x5 needs a drastic update".
In my opinion the best thing, at the moment, if you want to have a performing e-commerce, is to create e-commerce with platforms like OpenCart, NopCommerce, Prestashop etc., put the e-commerce online in a subdirectory of the main domain and then in the web site created with Website X5 make a link to that subfolder containing the e-commerce.
Google traduttore:
Secondo me la cosa migliore, al momento, se si vuole avere un e-commerce performante, è creare l'e-commerce con piattaforme come OpenCart, NopCommerce, Prestashop ecc., mettere online l'e-commerce creato in una sottocartella del dominio principale e poi nel sito creato con Website X5 realizzare un collegamento a quella sottocartella contente l'e-commerce.
I hope your comment will not be deleted...
You suggest something to think about, Giuseppe! Thanks!
I will not close this discussion yet from my side because like i said i love website x5 and there is room for huge improvement like most user's have agreed to in this conversation.I have only been using this software for a few months and i am already frustrated due to it's limits now imagine users that have used this software for a few years who's request have not been taken seriously at all.In my country i had a choice to choose WIX,SHOPIFY,and other ecommerce platforms but instead i chose website x5.I am waiting to see what development and design incomedia will put into this software in the next few months based on that i will decide whether i will carry on with website x5 next year or not.Thanks to everyone for your valued input much appreciated.
Me sumo al querer de los usuarios que expresan la necesidad de ser mas competitivos, WX5 es una gran herramienta tanto para el principiante como para el profesional, pero ya hace tiempo se le ha pedido al equipo de incomedia mejoras competentes en ecommerce; desde que uso el software versión 11 solo ha tenido 5 cambios y no muy significativos que digamos, ya estamos en la version 17 y los usuarios siguen pidiendo lo mismo una tienda online con caracteristicas competitivas.
Mi unisco al desiderio degli utenti che esprimono la necessità di essere più competitivi, WX5 è un ottimo strumento sia per i principianti che per i professionisti, ma qualche tempo fa al team di incomedia è stato chiesto miglioramenti competenti nell'e-commerce; dal momento che utilizzo la versione 11 del software ho avuto solo 5 modifiche e non molto significativo che diciamo, siamo già in versione 17 e gli utenti stanno ancora chiedendo lo stesso un negozio online con funzionalità competitive.
Henry H
I join the desire of users who express the need to be more competitive, WX5 is a great tool for both the beginner and the professional, but some time ago the incomedia team has been asked for competent improvements in ecommerce; since I use the software version 11 has only had 5 changes and not very significant that we say, we are already in version 17 and users are still asking for the same an online store with competitive features.
I AGREE 100% WITH Henry H
"I hope you do not confuse the volunteer moderators who are users like you, and the moderators of the company Incomedia who do not work on weekends!"
That's an interesting reflection!
Hands up all those who operate an online business here. How many of you can place your hand on your heart and honestly state you do NOT work on weekends?
I have owned online businesses since 1998 and never have I been able to not collect my mail, not review my company Facebook pages, nor ignore my forum posts at weekends. In fact, weekends have habitually been the busiest period where sales and sales inquiries are concerned.
In my humble opinion, if you operate a business online, not working at weekends is a luxury few can afford. Now tell me that a tiny operation like Incomedia really closes down at weekends. Alternatively, put it to the test. Make a sales inquiry on a Saturday and see if you get no answer until the following Monday. You do realize that if a customer does not get an answer rapidly, he is highly likely to shop at a competitor's site.
Coming back to the subject at hand. I cannot speak for v17 because I can't figure out how to use it. Although I paid for it, I still use v11 on my old Windows 7 based PC as v11 will not run on Windows 10.
As a Front Page user prior to discovering X5, I find v11 easy to work with. The shop issue has never been a problem for me for 3 reasons:
1. I use PayPal's BuyNow buttons which are so wonderfully customizable you can make them look exactly as you want them to. For example, the Buy buttons on my LiquidASS site are in the form of images instead of cart buttons. That may seem weird to you but it works perfectly.
2. Using PayPal's BuyButtons allows you to create your own confirmation and cancellation pages to which your customers are redirected after purchasing or should they decide to abort their purchase. They also allow you to integrate affiliate software in the button's variables, should you require such functionality, which I do.
3. PayPal's BuyNow buttons can also be configured to trigger an autoresponder series so that a confirmation mail is sent to the customer automatically followed-up by tracking information and after-sales mailings.
All that said, Wix, Shopify, and Mobirise probably offer the easiest shopping site creation tools available today.
Thank you for your comment adrian i am waiting to see if incomedia is serious about there online store customers if not i will be moving on to greener pastures where software is built around the needs of the customer and not big talk and no action.
Adrian, could you please create a new post detailing your issues and concerns about v17. For the record I run v9 through to v17 on Windows 10 without issue and I have upgraded directly from v9, v10, v11, v12 etc to v16 & v17 without issue. Conversion to responsive was sometimes a a bit time consuming but never difficult.
No Esahc, I don't have the time. Besides which, I'm not saying the program is problematic. I'm saying I don't understand how to work with it.
I came from MS Front Page 98. I haven't got a clue how to use CSS or Javascript so X5 was a life saver for me. I hardly ever needed to read the instruction manual because v9 through to v11 were so intuitive. From v13 onwards I have gone cross-eyed when trying to work out what I am supposed to do which means I need to find time to read, and hopefully understand, the manual. Even better would be if I could find someone who could teach me how to use it live. Our local chamber of commerce teaches Wordpress, Manageo, and WebAcappella but so far nobody gives courses in how to use X5.
A recent experience I had after importing my LiquidASS site into v17 was a total turn-off for me. It wrecked my navigation bar and nothing I did would make it work again. Then Andre E. came to my rescue and told me that it would not be possible to make the navigation bar work as it had under v11. His answer was to create a totally new site using responsive mode. While I was very appreciative of his efforts, my lack of time basically stopped me from going any further as I didn't want to have to learn how to use responsive mode and I was upset that I would not be able to get the navigation bar to run as it had in v11.
Another thing that bothered me was the arrival of Mobirise, the first true WYSIWYG web site editor. Designed for responsive use, but also compatible with desktop views, it requires almost zero learning because it runs with blocks that you drag and drop onto the canvas. Each block is pre-coded to be fully responsive and ready for use. All you need to do is customize the content which is extremely easy. The only thing that put me off Mobirise was its price because they claim it is absolutely free. I thought, "Ok, so they must charge for the blocks (which is like all the modules Incomedia sell in their store)." But no, they say those are all free too. So I'm left confused, wondering where the catch is, because in my mind, nothing is ever 100% free. After all, they need to cover their development costs somehow. So, for the moment, I stick with X5 as at least I know what that is going to cost me.