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Dave E.
Dave E.

How to remove the "deceptive site ahead" notice on my webpage.  en

Autor: Dave E.
Visitado 2383, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

how to remove the "deceptive site ahead" notice on my webpage.

I have removed lots of things trying to strip down to bare threads but can not seem to remove the warning.

if you click the proceed anyway button 2 or 3 times you eventually get through so if anybody could be bothered to do that i would much appreciate somebody telling me whats wrong.



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Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Dave,

I have checked the source code of every single page in your sitemap and cannot see anything untowards or malicious in any way.  Furthermore, they are all static pages, not dynamically generated.  As such this is not a WebSite X5 issue.

However, I did some further tests and historical data shows that your webspace was host to at least 9 infections in the last twelve months.  I don't for one minute think this had anything to do with yourself, by the way!

It looks like your server has been compomised, but reading between the lines I think you already know that and are doing your best to clean up and secure?  If so, then this link will be of great help to you:

As a matter of interest when did the warning appear, and what have you removed so far in terms of site content?  In particular what (if any) non-WebSite X5 content did you edit or delete?  For example, links to external scripts?

I notice your current SSL certificate is very recent.  Did the old one (if present) have any issues?

Did you notice any strange behaviour whilst browing your site in the past few weeks or months?  In particular any unusual page refreshes or redirects?

I sent a report using both Firefox and Google Chrome in an attempt to have your site whitelisted again.  Be aware that it can take some time for these things to iron themselves out.

There is an outside chance that a malicious competitor has erroneously submitted a fake phishing report to Google.  I do hope that is not the case but it remains a vague possibility!

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Dave E.
Dave E.

Hi and thank for your very informative reply.   First of all I dont look at my website that often particularily in the quiet winter months so I dont know when it happened.   I'm a novice, I did some research on google and I removed anything I thought might be having an effect, like piwik that i used to use, plus extreme which monitored something, I tried to keep it very simple for now.  Then I contatced my hosting company because one thing I had read was that I need an SSL certificatte, I didnt have one before, never heard of them until a few months ago!!  Explained my problem to them, they gladly sold me a certificate and said that was all I would need to do to resolve the problem, of course it didnt.

I will check out the link you have sent me and see what i can learn from that.

Thanks again for your asistance, if you think of anything else please let me know.


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Publicado en de Dave E.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Dave E.
Explained my problem to them, they gladly sold me a certificate and said that was all I would need to do to resolve the problem, of course it didnt.

That was very naughty of them, David.  You were definitely misled.  What makes that even worse is that these people are supposed to know what they are talking about!

An SSL certificate allows for secure communication between the client (i.e. your PC or someone else's) and the server (your webhost).  It ensures that any data transferred from one to the other cannot be tampered with.  However, having an SSL certificate installed does not suddenly render your server impervious to compromise or attack!  It is only one of many things which should be done to secure a webspace.

On the bright side, you have not spent money in error, as your new https:// connection will give you very valuable added security, plus a little boost in search engine ranking, eventually.

I say eventually, because your site for the time being has completely disappeared from Google's index.  This is not surprising given the circumstances.  However, if you work your way steadfastly through the list of things to do in that link I posted earlier then you should be able to get the ship back on an even keel before too long.

All the best!

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

UPDATE: your site is now visible again in Google's search index and your webpages are opening correctly without any warning messages, David smile

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Publicado en de Paul M.
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Just for anyone else's interest - you can easily add secure transfer by using cloudflare - free. You just point your domain to cloudflare and set up where your site IP is. Really easy and doesn't requre re-registration periodically that lets encrypt does. Just FYI

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Publicado en de Adrian B.