I sell digital music. Do I have to use Website X5 Professional to be able to sell it in online. 
Autor: Valerie K.
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I sell digital music. Do I have to use Wbsite X5 professional for people to be able to pay then download the product.
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Hello Valerie, yes that's correct. Please see the following article:
And the feature comparison between the Evo and Pro editions:
Kind regards,
Thank you very much Paul. I did download Professional 17 last night. Do you have any idea how I get the key for it. I tried for about an hour but each time it was incorrect. I would be grateful for help in this regard. Have a good day. Kind Regards Valerie
Your licence keys should all be displayed in the 'My Licences' section of your profile here on the Help Center... top right of screen... click on your name and a drop down menu will appear.
But here is a quick shortcut
Do you have active Update Protection, Valerie? You won't be able to activate Professional 17 without it (unless you buy a completely new licence).
Also note that the most current version of WebSite X5 is 2019.1 - I strongly recommend that you use that instead of version 17. You will be entitled to do so if you have active Update Protection.
Do let us know if you need further help.
Thank you Paul, I really appreciate your help. I have Kaspersky protection. Is it important that I get Update protection or can I get it with my Kaspersky Protection. Sorry i took a while to get back to you just been teaching. Thanks again.
Hi Paul. I realise I do need to have the protection they offer to receive a key for the professional version. Will it protect my whole pc. If it does I won't renew my Kaspersky licence. I couldn't find the cost of it and wonder if you will be able to tell me what it is. thanks for your help.
Kind Regards
You're welcome, Valerie.
I'll try and explain further. Kaspersky is an anti-virus software which protects your PC like you say: however, it doesn't have anything to do with WebSite X5 as such. WebSite X5 is solely for designing and maintaining websites.
Update Protection is the name of Incomedia's software policy whereby you pay a fee in exchange for 12 months access to any updates to WebSite X5 which they produce. This ensures you are able to download and use the very latest version of the software. When the 12 months period expires you can elect to purchase another year's worth of access to updates, or simply use your current version of the software for as long as you like.
Reading between the lines I don't think you have an active Update Protection, Valerie.
In this case you'll need to buy a new licence if you want to work with the Professional edition. You can do that here:
Buy WebSite X5 Professional
But check this link first as you may be entitled to a special offer which could save you a bit of money!
Again, just give us a shout if you have any further queries.
One more question Paul. As I already have pro 17 downloaded just need the key. Would it be possible to just purchase the protection update in order to get the key or must I purchase the full version in order to get the key. I will do that in a day or two if I have to because I need this version for my digital work. I apologise for all the questions. I want to do the right thing. Thanks again. i apologise for sounding so ignorant.
Kind Regards
No need to apologise, Valerie. These are all valid questions. You are not the first person to be confused regarding Update Protection!
Basically, in order to purchase Update Protection you need to have a a current Update Protection in place. In other words, Update Protection can only be renewed if it is already active. If Update Protection has lapsed, or if you have never had Update Protection before, then you need to purchase a new licence. Your new licence will come with 12 months free Update Protection, and at the end of the 12 months period you can choose whether or not you would like to renew it by buying a further 12 months of Update Protection. The cost of 12 months Update Protection is around half the retail price of a new licence.
So if you do choose to renew when the time comes, then you save money over the cost of having to buy a new licence at full price, should you decide to upgrade again to the latest version of WebSite X5 at some point in the future.
One more thing to note is that Update Protection for the Evo version does not allow you to activate the Professional version, as they are two separate products.
Hopefully that makes things a little clearer, but if not please get back to us again.
Thank you Paul for explaining it so well. I now understand how it all works.
I use Payfast for my payments and as my version of website x5 doesn't accomodate digital and didn't know if other Website x5 products did. I thought I would ask Payfast for suggestions. They spoke about intergration which to me is like talking Latin. I googled it and companies that provide intergration were very expensive to connect to. I then decided to google webiste x5. it came up Professional 17 can do this. As I have used X5 for as long as I can remember I was so happy to find this out. I then started searcing further and that is how I came to having my conversation with you.
Thanks again for your help. I am now satisfied.
Have a lovely week end.
Kind Regards
You too, Valerie. It is a Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK so that's a bonus
All the very best with your website and I hope the orders come streaming in for you!
Enjoy your Holiday. Hope the weather is good. My son and daughter in law live in Cambridge, although Saturday is normally a break for them I am sure they are enjoying less activity. Thanks for your help in spite of it. With your help I can only imagine how many orders. Hope so.