Website X5 Manager - QR code 
Autor: Antonio L.
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i have installed the Website X5 Manager App on my iphone.... in order to "Add" a site it gives me 2 options, a Manual one and a QR Code one. When I select the QR code one, i go to the Control Panel and at the bottom right handside there is a Website X5 Manager Logo, I click on it... I then use the App on the phone to scan the QR Code BUT i get a "Incorrect QR code" message on the App.... am I looking in the wrong place for a QR Code?
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No, the place is correct. In the admin panel of your website. (see Paul's link below)
website x5 manager, also selectable on the left side in the menu, then way below in the middle is the qr code.
Try else to do a full upload of the website and try again. Make sure website adress is set correct in step1.
Checked the website address..... uploaded the full website.... the "incorrect QR Code" still there.... all i get on the QR Code is a link to (using a standard QR scanner)....
Hello Antonio,
There are two different QR codes shown when you visit the relevant page in the online control panel (://yourdomain/admin/wsx5-manager.php)
The one on the right hand side is the QR code for the WebSite X5 Manager App itself, and is surrounded by the following text:
Download the app from all the main app stores or scan the QR code:
Then somewhere further down and in the middle of the page (like Andre says) there is another code... in this case the text reads as follows:
Open WebSite X5 Manager and scan this QR Code for adding your website "your_website_name".
It is this second code that you require.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the reply... please see the attached JPeg.... i only get one QR Code.... am I on the right screen?
Your screenshot shows the WebSite X5 Manager App section within WebSite X5 itself, Antonio.
Instead you need to visit the relevant section of your control panel online, which is accessed via the link I gave above:
Obviously, you need to replace your_domain_name with the actual name of your domain!
Hope this helps.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the reply... I found the screen and where it asks for the "URL for Online Panel Access", it gives me
http://""/admin the field is greyed out (see attached jpg) and it does NOT allow me to type in the wsx5-manager.php
Hi Antonio,
You need to visit the URL online, using a web browser... not within the WebSite X5 software itself. The page with the QR code which you are looking for is on the internet.
When you go to the web address online you will be presented first with a login screen... the credentials you need to enter are your admin username and password as defined in Step 1 Settings > Advanced > Access Management.
Just type the relevant link (with your own domain name, etc) into any web browser, in the same way as you would if you were going to search Google by typing
Let us know if you still have difficulty.
Hi Paul.....
Thanks ... Almost there!!!
So, I now have access to the Website X5 Manager pages/site online..... no longer a problem to enter the website.....
The next challenge..... MySQL database.... this is where the Website Stats will be saved....
1. I am able to create a Database on the Server.....
2. I have to create a TABLE for the Database...
3. Website X5 Pro will have the database settings done under "Data Management" section
3. How Many fields must I create on the database? What names do I give each field?
Can you please give me a link where I can find the detail for the Database?
WebSite X5 takes care of all that for you. As long as you have created a database on your server for use with WebSite X5 in Step 1 Settings > Advanced > Data Management, then you can go straight to Step 1 Settings > Advanced > Statistics, SEO and Code (Note that you need to create the database on the server, using cPanel tools or similar... this can't be done within WebSite X5! - instructions here)
On the Statistics tab you will be able to choose between WebSite X5 and Google Analytics. Simply select WebSite X5 Analytics as your Statistics engine, select your newly created database in the field below (which should show up automatically), and finally just give your database table a name in the field below that.
WebSite X5 will create the table if it doesn't already exist, automatically. You don't have to worry about anything else.
Then just republish your site to the server in Step 5 and you should be good to go.
Let us know if there's anything else you need help with.
Kind regards,
The problem is that the MySQL database resided in a separate server from where the website is located.... once the settings were adjusted/pointed at the right Worked!
Thanks for your help Paul!
Good, glad to hear that... you're very welcome, Antonio