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Marta Q.
Marta Q.

The Rss Feed Does Not Operate  es

Autor: Marta Q.
Visitado 1281, Followers 2, Compartido 24  
Tags: feed

The RSS Feed no funciona. La gente que tiene marcado mi blog para seguirlo no le aparece que suba nuevos temas cada semana.

Además de actualizar el blog, cada vez copio el articulo completo en SIndicación Web, pero los seguidores se quejan de que no les llega nada.

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Gwenda K.
Gwenda K.

I am also having problems - the manual RSS via Step 4 works but the blog is not sending out the feed even though the box is ticked for RSS Feeds

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Publicado en de Gwenda K.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Exactly the same probem as Gweenda K

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Publicado en de Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

If you flag the value on " rssfeedscreatedwith the contentsof the blog" the blog created a file xml with the hierarchyin order ofdataitemsof the blog. If you import the file xml in anothers systems (for example SIndicación Web) what message error do you receveid?

Google Translate:


Si marcael valorde"rss feedscreado conel contenido delblog"el blog creadoun archivoxmlcon la jerarquíaen elorden de los elementosde datos delblog.Sise importa el archivoXMLen los sistemas deanothers(por ejemploSindicaciónWeb)lo queel mensaje de errortereceveid?

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Publicado en de Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

The RSS feed is arked in the contents of the blog. As everybody told me that they did not received any actuallization I also copied the blog content in the RSS Feed provided in the special features.

There is no error message. It is just that no one know what I am doing in the blog.

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Publicado en de Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

The rssfeedwas specially designedto allow the exchangeof informationfrom different channels(for examplewith thexml fileyou canimport theRSSfeedson aWordpressblog). For this you don't see another effects. The visible article of blog you see in your website. Wink

Google Translate:


Elcanal RSS ha sidodiseñadoespecialmente para permitir elintercambio de información dedistintos canales (por ejemplo, conel archivo XML quepueden importarlos feedsRSSdeun blog de Wordpress).Para esto,no veootroefecto.El artículovisiblede los blogsque aparecen en supágina web. Wink

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Publicado en de Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Then, why people linking my blog in theirs tell that they do not detect any changes in my blog throuhg the link?

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Publicado en de Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

Can you give us the link URL? Have you imported in another platform the feed rss? Can you give us the link URL of another platforms?

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Publicado en de Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I don't really know what you mean. I will give you an URL of one friend's blog that has linked my blog.

The link is in the right hand side an the name is Piedra, papel, tijera. If you click in the name of my blog or in the name of the article, yo go to the welcome page instead that the blog. In the title it is not shown the last entry.

And what I know about the feed is through other people that tells me so

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Publicado en de Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

can you give us the URL or part of page where we click on page? I don't find the link inthe website

Google Translate:


¿Nos puede darla dirección URLo una partede la páginadonde sehaga clicen la página?Yo no encuentroelenlaceenel web

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Publicado en de Luca S.