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Tuncay T.
Tuncay T.

Locked page problem  en

Autor: Tuncay T.
Visitado 1694, Followers 1, Compartido 0  


Currently, I use Website X5 pro 2019 2.8 version. I created a locked page and the authorized users who can enter with permission to this page. The authorized users can enter this page with their passwords, everything is OK so far.

For example, the name of the page I created is “x”. In this case, the site name is created as “x.html”. In case I turned the PC off or I removed an authorized user on the locked page, the user I removed can still enter the locked page by doing copy/paste of “x.html”. I want not to be entered to the locked page by a removed user (unauthorized user) , how can I do it?

My another question is if the session of an authorized user can end automatically after a while or not.

Thank you so much in advance

Best regard

Publicado en
Stefano G.

Hello Tuncay

From what I understand, you're deleting a user from the software but not performing a new export online at Step 5, is this right? If you delete the user in the software only but do not update the files online, the user will still have all of its authorizations in place. After a new export, the user should be unable to navigate the page.

If you're just worried about a specific timeout after which the user will be ultimately logged out from the website, this depends on the duration of the session cookie in your browser. By default, it should be around 30 minutes but under particular conditions, it could last longer.

An alternative to terminate the session manually could be the Logout button you can insert into your page.

Please let me know if I can provide further information about this

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Tuncay T.
Tuncay T.

Thank you for the information. I tried it as you said and it worked but I have another problem related to this section. The Google is indexing the private pages I prepared. In other words, in Google Searches, this private page can be seen by everybody without any password requirement. Is there any solution with this problem?
Thank you in advance
Best regards

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Publicado en de Tuncay T.
Stefano G.

Hello Tuncay

It really depends on what effect you expect the private page to have on Google's indexing method.

The pages will be indexed because they're actual links that your site links to. Their content will be not indexed though since it is only available once a user has successfully logged in.

If you do not wish to have these pages indexed at all, then you're looking to create a hidden page instead.

It is normal that private pages are indexed, but the content should not be available nonetheless

I hope I was helpful but please let me know here if something is wrong or unclear

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Tuncay T.
Tuncay T.

First of all, thank you for the information. Now, I’ll explain what I want to do but I cannot do: I want the users I gave authorization to be able to see the locked pages. For this, I prepared a user registration page that requires “name surname” and “e-mail address”. Also I prepared another user entry page as locked page to require “user name” and password”, the program already creates the page with “user name” and “password” automatically. Again I create another locked page for the authorized users to be able to see.

First step: I manually create a user in access management, I assign a password and I give the command as “go to the locked page I created” while creating a user. The problem here I faced is that since I created the page as locked it asks the user again to enter “user name” and “password” when the user goes to this page.

As a result, even if the program gives authorization to the user for the locked pages, it again and again asks the user for “user name” and “password” on these pages, so the program goes to a vicious circle. I cannot make the user to access the pages which I give the authorization. If I give the command as “go to the unlocked html page” while creating a user manually as the first time, there is no problem but it is unlocked and so the Google indexes it.

I need your help on this issue. Thank you very much in advance

Best regards

Tuncay Tekeli

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Publicado en de Tuncay T.
Stefano G.

Hello Tuncay

I get the feeling that something is not clear about how this functionality is supposed to work.

Even when you manually register a user inside the software, the user will have to log in to the website if he wishes to see a locked page.

Also, keep in mind that in Step 3 you have to specify to which users the access to that page is permitted:

This "command as go to the locked page I created" you mentioned works in this way. This means that whenever a user logs in into your login page on your website, he will be redirected to the Homepage. 

If I understand correctly, you should follow this logic according to whether you want to use the Automatic Registration or not:

1_ Automatic registration: Lock a page and mark it as accessible to Automatic Registration users at Step 3. The user will be prompted to register and log into your website every time they access this locked page.

2_ Manual registration: Lock a page and mark it as accessible to the users you wish to give access to. Then, as soon as they enter the locked page, they will be asked to log in. After they have logged in, they will be able to access the locked page.

From what I understand, you have no need for this:

Try it out exactly as I explained it and if it still doesn't work, I would be glad to help you out directly on your project or website

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Tuncay T.
Tuncay T.

Thank you for your answer.

I manually create a user, when the user clicks on the locked page, “user name” and “password” are asked the user to enter and the user goes to the landing page to enter his “user name” and “password” but then, when the same user clicks on another locked page, it again asks for “user name” and “password”. Whereas this user is already authorized on the previous locked page. This is my issue, Stefano, even if I authorize the user already, it asks the user to enter his “user name” and “password” again and again when he navigates among the locked pages. Once the user enters his “user name” and “password”, it shouldn’t ask for “user name” and “password” again.

If you help me on this issue, I would be very thankful to you.

Best regards

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Publicado en de Tuncay T.
Stefano G.

Hello Tuncay

From the way you describe the problem, it seems like you did not grant access to this user for every page. As I showed in my screenshot before, you need to specify for each page what user is allowed to access. Registering once doesn't mean that the user can access every locked page. Only the ones he is meant to enter.

I will gladly take a look at your project to help you out further if you wish.

I need to ask you to send this project so that I might verify this for you and help you out with it

No other user will have access to your project and it will be deleted once the testing is done.

You can use  the service Select the link generation and paste it here, so I can download the file. If the file is too big, please don't include the folders preview and backup files when you create your IWZIP file with WebSite X5.

Keep me posted on this

Thank you

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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Stefano G.

Hello Tuncay

I've verified something. Apparently, even your /admin area at doesn't work correctly.

The website correctly logs you in, but the website won't save the cookie session and thus the account is never logged in

This seems to be an issue of your hosting. Please contact them and report this situation so that they might verify it for you

Once this is solved and you can log in with your admin account on the page I mentioned, the other issue should be solved as well

Try this out and keep me posted here

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Tuncay T.
Tuncay T.

I talked to my service provider and I informed them about what you said. They checked and replied me as following:

“As on the screen view, when you enter the page, query returns “200” which is a correct processing. If the access is not allowed even if the information is correct, software side should be reviewed and checked.“

You may see the screen view of the service provider’s monitoring and controlling screen.

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Publicado en de Tuncay T.
Stefano G.

Hello Tuncay

Yes, I am aware that the verification of the credentials is correct. 

What happens after though is not. It seems like the website does not allow cookies to be saved. I've tested your project on a different hosting and the login seems to work just fine there. There's definitely something on your hosting that is preventing this from working correctly.

Let them know that apparently, PHP cookies aren't getting saved and let me know what they respond

Thank you


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Publicado en de Stefano G.
Tuncay T.
Tuncay T.

Thank you very much Stephano. My problem has been solved, admin can login.
Now the users can login the locked pages as well. The problem was on the hosting service. I have the solution now.
Thank you so much again.

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Publicado en de Tuncay T.