Parallax effect on image (not background) 
Autor: Chris W.
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I have just built my first website using X5 and I am pleased with it. However I now want to put an image at the top of the pages and have them scroll at a different speed to the page contents. I can see how to do this with background images using the parallax effect but this has to be a background image with somthing in front of it, I want to do it on a foreground image. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help
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There need not effectively be anything in front of the parallax image. The simplest way is to add or use a row of cells and place an html object into it. In the html object there is an option to set the height (there is no need to add content).
Now simply go to row formats, select that row, add images, set as slide show, turn on parallax.
Thanks Esahc, that's exactly what I wanted.