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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Minor issues with shop 2020.1.5  en

Autor: Esahc ..
Visitado 1958, Followers 2, Compartido 0  

I upgraded a shop from v2019.1 and in the latest version there are a number of anomolies.


When purchasing in the shop, is it possible to set the default country or must it default to the language used in Windows? I live in Aus and UK is available as a language


Discount on item set to 20% for 3 or more, but tooltip displays 0.2%


When selecting shipping and payment, the "summary" offers no valuable information, if it must be there at least it should list the product/s included in the total.


It should not be necessary to agree to terms and conditions both below the order and in Summary box.


Order summary appears first, and then the order at less than desktop. Shouldn't the summary appear last?

I have attached a test project


The Summary box should never include a duplicate button (next, buy now) or tick box - it should only be a summary.

Publicado en
Andy A.
Andy A.

Im fairly new to all of this ecommerce stuff,  but the customer,  (well in my test cases and live site) only needs to tick one T&Cs  for the form to work.., I cant offer any advice about the rest...

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Publicado en de Andy A.
Jan Van Den Berg
Jan Van Den Berg

When selecting shipping and payment, the "summary" offers no valuable information, if it must be there at least it should list the product/s included in the total.

Totally agree,  confusing:  Looks like $40 is price WHITOUT $ 8,00 Shipping.

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Publicado en de Jan Van Den Berg
Steve J.

Hello Jan Van Den Berg,

1. I confirm that the preselect is done via the browser language because the IP localization required user confirmation.

2. Yes, I confirm that it's a bug. It works correctly in the Catalog Product Object but not in the Cart Search page. I'll report it.

3. we choose to let the user be able to see clearly the shipping and payment cost, especially in that page which requires user to choose one the different methods. The total amount is automatically updated with the shipment and payment cost selected. Anyway I'll report your suggestion.

4. I confirm that user has to check only one of the Agreement Checkbox. Moreover an alert tooltip is displayed only related to the button user clicks. 

5. Well, it's depend. Personally I prefer to immediately see the report of my order and then the all the details. In this way I can choose to complete the order directly even without have to check all the details and scroll the page to the bottom, isn't it?

Thanks for your suggestions. 

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Publicado en de Steve J.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

1 This is going to be problematic for my customers. The default install language of Firefox for English is either English US or English UK, if the default is English US there is no option to select English AUS. To do so one must first select English UK. Thankyou for the heads up.

2 Thank you (but sadly not fixed in v2020.1.7)

3 Thanks

4 Your answer is almost correct, please see

5 I guess we'll agree to disagree

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Publicado en de Esahc ..