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Craig G.
Craig G.

Issues with Login into Admin Dashboard  en

Autor: Craig G.
Visitado 1717, Followers 1, Compartido 0  

When trying to log onto my web site's admin dashboard, I get the following errors:

--- Start of Error Messages ---

Notice: Undefined index: auto_increment in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5265

Notice: Undefined index: auto_increment in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5265

--- End of Error Messages ---

And once logged on, I get the following errors:

--- Start of Error Messages ---

Notice: Undefined index: auto_increment in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5265

Notice: Undefined index: auto_increment in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5265

Notice: Undefined index: column in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5756

Notice: Undefined index: column in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5756

Notice: Undefined index: column in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5756

Notice: Undefined index: select in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5623

Notice: Undefined variable: where_conditions in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 7466

--- End of Error Messages ---

At line 5265 is:

// WSX5-2950: This fix some situations where an existing field lost his "auto increment" property. If there is a row with this field set to 0, update it to the next highest value.
if ($value["auto_increment"] && !strpos($act_field["Extra"], "auto_increment")) {

This seems to be a bug fix, but the bug fix is causing me some issues.

Publicado en
Craig G.
Craig G.

As for one of the other errors:

if (is_array($column) && count($column)) {
if (isset($column['column']) || isset($column['fn'])) {
5756 ====> $name = $this->_to_sql_column_name($column['column']);
$as = isset($column['as']) ? ' AS ' . $this->_to_sql_column_name($column['as']) : '';
return isset($column['fn']) ? strtoupper($column['fn']) . '(' . $name . ')' . $as : $name . $as;
} else {
return implode(', ', array_map(array($this, '_to_sql_column_name'), $column));

Line 5756 is show above and the error is "Undefined index: column in /home/mydomain/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 5756" but the previous line test "isset($column['column'])". If "isset($column['column'])" passed woulndn't "$name = $this->_to_sql_column_name($column['column']);" be successful?

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