Generic error when clicking submit order 
Autor: Arild G.I've changed web server (Win 2008 R2) and set all components and relevant system settings identical to the original server, including security for respective forlders and files and identical php version 7.2.5. After uploading the project under W5 Evo (latest version) to the identical server location with idntical IIS settings the Website works just fine, except for "Generic error" popping up in the last step of the order procedure on the shopping cart (submit order). It works fine locally when using the Preview option.
I've temporarily redirected the domain to the old server, where everything still works fine. I have set an alternative domain pointing to the new server, which gereates the error at Submit order (as it did with the original domain).
Trying unsuccessfully a zillion setup variants over several days I hope that this Forum may provide a solution or a way forward. I attach the php.ini file (zipped), which works on the old server but not in the new server's environment. There are no php.ini duplicates on the new server. How to proceed? Thanks in advance.
Extra info:
in php.ini, error_log = d:\ulsteinminilager\php\php_errors.log, which works fine at the old server, but not on the new one despite identical security settings for file and folder.
Hello Arild,
The display of PHP errors is switched off in the php.ini file which you attached.
I suggest that you temporarily switch display_errors on in the php.ini file, then load your website and generate the 'Generic error', which will give you visual feedback and further details on the errors without involving the log.
However, preliminary analysis suggests that there are files missing on the new server.
Compare the following:
Kind regards,
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Dear Paul,
thanks for swift reply.
First, I found that when I amended the names of recent web pages missing on server, these where now uploaded. However, "generic error" persisted in the shopping cart.
Second, sitemap.xml on the "" server contains links to, not Since cannot find a place to edit this through Wx5, I amended adresses manually on online version of sitemap.xml. Still Generic error, though.
Regarding the admin login error:
I've noticed a issue after allowing server IIS to return error detals to browser. When trying to access I see error "HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found. The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map."
So I tried temporarily to add mime type "php" through IIS for the website. As expected, I got a browser warning that the php file may be hazardous to download. Conclusion: I removed this mime type again, which by the way is not present at the Mime library on the old server (which is working OK).
The php system on the new server is still not able to write to the d:\ulsteinminilager\php\php_errors.log (despite identical security setting relative to the old server). I attach a copy of the file from the old server As you can see towards the end, there seems to be some issues at this server as well, but not causing the "generic error" problem as on the new server.
Lastly, I changed php.ini temporarlily to display errors (also at startup), and rebooted the server. Result: HTTP Error 404.3 still persists on and at the end of the shopping procedure there still is the Generic error message. Further, the system still can't write to the php_errors.log.
Best regards,
Hello Arild,
In general it's not a good idea to amend manually any files which WebSite X5 has generated, as this can cause further issues and make troubleshooting even harder. You can rest assured that, given all you have described, the problem lies with the server configuration and not WebSite X5. It would be best to reupload your project in full to the server, leaving the files and folders which WebSite X5 creates intact, before proceeding further. To do so, hold down the CTRL key whilst entering the Preview mode in WebSite X5. Allow the Preview to build to completion (by watching the progress bar near the top of the screen), then go to Step 5 and choose the option to upload ALL files, not just those recently modified.
Before you do so, however, you should check at Step 5 Export > Upload the Website to Internet that the WebSite Address (URL) is correct (and reflects the URL of the new project), as it does not appear to be given what you have said.
This field has a major bearing on many functions within WebSite X5, and must be set to the fully qualified domain name for your website, including the correct protocol prefix (either http or https as required), and with or without the 'www' prefix as necessary. Once this entry is correct, there will be no need to manually edit sitemap.xml
Also make sure that you are uploading into the correct destination folder on the server.
It seems clear that PHP is not configured on the new server. Until such times as you can get even the simplest PHP script to run on the server, WebSite X5 will not work as it should. You need to add a handler to your server to force the server to run PHP scripts instead of attempting to download them.
Installing PHP for IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008R2
As regards the entries in the PHP error log on the old server, these are 'notices' as opposed to genuine errors. These can (and should) be switched off on a production server, and you appear to have done that on the old server (i.e. they are logged silently, as opposed to being displayed). You should suppress the display of these notices on the new server too. In this way program execution will not be halted. These notices are there primarily for the benefit of developers.
Thanks again! We're quite close now I think, but not quite there yet. First, I added php handler (IIS module mapping, now identical on both servers - shame on me). Then I ensured that the fast-cgi settings were identically set up on the two servers. I then added a test script on both the old and the new server: (working OK) (new server: still a issue).
Apparently, PHP and/or FastCGI still isn't working... Any idea?
WOW - I just addd C++ redistributable to the new server (as is was already on the old one), and now it works!
Everything fine, and Generic error finally gone! Thanks for your help. Without it I'd been lost.
I'm not familiar with that error, Arild, but some research and Googling would suggest that you need to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio. Please see the following threads... there are many more advocating the same on the internet. I'm not saying this will definitely cure the problem, but it is what I would try first.
Good news, our replies crossed... all the best!