Http vs https
Autor: Errol W.On this page the page will show as unsecured although it has an ssl certificate.
When I goto the page shows secure. I use a .htaccess file, in that file I have this information:
# WebSite X5 - Start Code [do not edit]
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?lonleafhoa\.org
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
# WebSite X5 - End Code
According to Godaddy that is correct.
From what I understand, the redirect info in the htaccess file should always make the site show
secure no matter how the user enters the address. But it's not working out that way.
The second issue is when in the secure mode, the calendar function with not show data, in the unsecured mode the calendar does show data.
How can I resolved this.
if your htacces file is correctly set up you won't be able to view the http site anymore.
it will redirect to https immidiatly.
see also :
upload your site also in x5 with https in the websiteadress
then all should be well.
Hello Andre, your suggestions and sample code worked for my secure page issue. After making the changes, every page that uses php coding is prompting me to download that page. Not good.
Andre, I sorted out the php thing. I had to remove "AddHandler x-httpd-php71 .php" from the htaccess file. The only bit now is the calendar not showing data.
Andre, I sorted the Calendar issue as well. The source link needed to have https
Maybe you should also for the calendar in settings, specify the calendar URL with the https.
maybe there else could be problems for the calendar to find thumbnails and so.
Great Errol,
Thanks for the feedback and yes you need to direct https as much as possible everywhere, as mentioned.