V9 Initialization Very Slow 
Autor: Steve P.
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Has anyone noticed that it takes quite a while longer for V9 to start up than it did with V8. Or is it something to do with our PC?
V8 was very quick by comparison. We are not talking about the import/conversion of projects from V8 to V9, the basic start up seems agonisingly slow.
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takes quite a while on mine too and i have a pretty quick PC, no idea why its so slow.
Thus far, after the grind of the initialization, the rest of it seems ok. We have not yet suffered any upload problems using the internal ftp service and some of the converted sites do not appear to have significantly changed. So far, so good, although I must say that V7 to V8 was less of an issue
Hi Maureen,
The slow pace also depends on the content of the pages it when you preview the site, WebSite X5 regenerate files that have changed, in some cases the changes made involve a wider regeneration, the duration of which depends on the size of site.
You can also check the program preferences to change the number of parallel processes according to the power and capabilities of your processor.
So explain why its slow as hell even the first time you run it then, that cant be anything to do with websites at all.
Same here!
In comparison to V8, V9 is very slow and seems to take for ever, just to save the project and or upload to the internet.
I changed the parallel processes from 3 to 1 but it does not seem to make a difference,
very frustrating..
I have found this the same and I have ultra fast gaming pc ( no games on it). Also why are pages reloading everytime I click on a link. Has anyone found that it is not very smooth transition between pages. thought it might have been my hosting server but even the demo site built by incomdia there is a white flash between the pages when thet are reloading. Very very annoying for customers or visitors who come to vist any sites built with V9
Not happy at all with V9.
Hi, same thing for me, i have ask a question in french about thi (like i'm french) and find this post now.
Evo9 is very slow to load/save a existant project in evo9 file format, more than 1 minute, beetwen the same project made on evo8 take minus than 10 second to be open and minus than 5 second to be saved on the same computer.
Evo 8 and Evo 9 save the project in two different ways. In evo 8, every time you modified your project, the program would rebuild and resave the whole website, now it only creates what has been changed.
If you open a project imported from Evo 8,if you a change template or if you customize the graphic layout obvioulsy the program needs to recreate the entire website.
If your project has already been open or created with Evo 9, and you need to modify some of the text for example, the program will change only that therefore it will be quicker.
The best thing to do is to import your project into Evo 9, save it then customize it, change your template if you wish or enhance it then save it again and start working
on the website, the program will then work quicker.
Hi thank you for your answer, but that's what i have done.
Import my evo8 project, work on template, save it, close evo9.
Re open evo9, open the project (it's IWPRJ (.iwprj) file).
And each reload take 40 seconds, save is too long.
If i edit a page, the save is not so long near 15 seconds, but each time i had a page or ad a level it can take more that 2 minutes to save !
I have made a video screen capture in mp4 file format, download and check it here :
The opening take 40 seconds from 4 second to 45 second of the video (see the "circle" near the mouse pointer), add a level, save, the pointer change from arrow to hand and it take from 1 min 20 second to 4 minutes in the video to save the project, only for add a level.
I have tried to export my evo9 project , re import it, that's the same thing, even after close evo9 and reopen the new project.
hi joel,
can you send us your project please? we need to test your project with our machine.
You can create e private post or send the file at this email:file@answers.websitex5.com
Hi Riccardo, thank you, i will send you an email
I expirience the same problems. It takes for ever to make a new page or change an aspect of the layout.
If V9 only creates the latest changes, why does V9 take minutes to do so and V8 does the job in seconds..?
You can also check the program preferences to change the number of parallel processes
First of all I tried that allready, does not make a difference, also I have a pretty fast processor and memory on board so...
I dont exactly understand what the purpose is behind the parallel processes?
How does V9 use 10 processes at the same time?
Hi Riccardo.
To complete informations about my long time save problem :
My evo8 version was already update in 8.016 before to try to export and import in evo9.
The hard drive is defragmented I’m not using other software in the same time to run in evo9.
I have export my evo8 project with optimization and regroup all files, test in evo8 this iwp file (evo8 project) create like this, it can be open and work perfectly in my evo8 software, all is running fine.
After test this file in evo8 i have import with success this evo8 project in evo9 and start to work with it, and save on my computer in evo9 file format.
It done me a IWPRJ file (evo9 format) like you can see in this screen shot :
After save and close evo9, i open evo9 and i can open this file in evo9 by select it and clic on “suivant” in the bottom right :
I have my site map who is fine :
I can work add new page, new menu, edit page, copy, past, export ………………………………
The problem is save “enregistrer”, it take a too much long time each time I work on my evo9 project, I have try several times after open, work, save, close evo9 software, open evo9, open project, work ……like you have seen in my mp4 video.
I have check the UC using, when clic on “enregistrer” (save) it seems that the software does not answer after a moment (UC grow up to 76 % and after 45 seconds slow down to zero and stay like this).
If a edit an existant page, when I clic on “Aperçu” (preview), it take near 15 seconds and save fine the project evo 9.
But for example, if i create a new level or page, clic on “preview” it take 45 secondes to see the preview and the “enregistrer” stay highlight non like for preview on existing page. In this case, i need to clic on save "enregistrer" the“save” pop up windows can stay more than 5 minutes and i need to closed the softaxare by task manager. Some few times it’s work after 30 to 45 seconds.
I have create an .iwinzip Evo9 file but it’s a more than 600 Mo files.
Does I need to zip it in multiple files to upload it for you ?
I can't see here how to send you private message if you want this file.
Thanks for help, at this time, i think return quicky on evo8, Moessieurs is a more 500 page website and i will not recreate all of them to work in evo9, it's not acceptable !
Hi, another time another big problem, i can use evo9 by saving with the previex function to save, it's not so quick then on evo8 but it's not so long, but now, when i want to export the site online, evo9 crash.
I have past two days to check the 505 page of my website, upgrade some of them, and it's two days lost.
Impossible to export online, impossible to export the site on the hard drive, crash of the software without any error message, just turning in round and when opening the task manager it show that evo9 is not respond.
I have reupload my evo8 project online and now i'm very frustrated !
Yo tengo el mismo problema expresado anteriormente. Cuando deseo ver con impreview mi trabajo tarda mas de un minuto. El diseño de la pagina tampoco es respetado al importarla desde la V8 a V9. Ademas esta version congela el proyecto en ocasiones
Hi Miguel,
have you the last version of the program (
if you want you can create a private post and send us the file project .iwzip so we can test your project.
tela última versióndel programa(
si lo desea,puede crear unmensajeprivadoy nos envíael archivo del proyecto.iwzippara que podamosprobar el proyecto.
Si, hablo de la nueva version 9, que ademas deforma el diseño y colores de la pagina original de version 8. No respeta los colores degradados ni los marcos en 3D originales ya que los aplana. No puedo enviar mi proyecto por aqui ya que pesa casi 5MB y en ZIP 2.4MB. Si Ud tiene una direccion alternativa quizas pueda solucionar esto. Gracias. Le dejo la direccion de mi paginahttp://www.machtres.com
Hola,merespondióen sucorreo privado.
Hello again. We didn't realize just how much feedback there was going to be re the slow initialization problem! However, it would seem that update .1748 has largely cured it and the start up is now much improved. If only we could say the same for IE(9), (which is the default X5 browser causing us problems) - but that's another post. this is our third attempt at posting this comment - each time thus far IE has 'stopped working' at the point of posting.