Uploading website to the internet fails 
Autor: Ruud Roefs-WijnenI use the latest version Evo 2021.5.2, but not with the included hosting.
Since this version I have problems with uploading my projects to the internet. Uploading goes much slower then before. But the biggest problem is that several pages do not get uploaded. The program tries a few times, but there are always a few pages which do not upload. So the program gives me an error. After that I make a change on a page (it does not matter on which page I make the changes) and try to upload again, the program does not work properly and seems to freeze. I have to close it and open it again, then I can try to upload again. But then also the same problem occurs. Sometimes same pages as before do not upload, but mostly it will be different ones every time. Also sometimes the template does not upload!
I had one good uploading from my website www.borntorun.nl. The system had to try a few times, but it succeeded to upload all the pages without an error. Then I tried to make a change on one page (only one word in a text) and wanted to upload it again. Of course I chose the option “Export only the files modified after last export”, but the system uploaded the complete website again. And once again there were problems with several pages (not the one on which I made a change).
Frome www.borntorun.nl it are a few pages which give problems. But from www.fawltyandjones.nl it is about tens of pages.
There are no empty cells on my pages. And I do not use individual codes.
All settings are the same as before. I did not change anything. The only thing which I saw is different in this new version is on the export page. The option “Enable gzip compression” is standard choosen. This was not the case in the past.
Hope you can help me with this.
Did you do a ctrl+preview? If so this forces an update of ALL files.
You may also try after temporarily disabling any 3rd party av or firewall.
After upload, open the site in your web browser and ctrl+F5
Please advise if this helps.
Thank you for your reaction. But, no, I did not do that! The system uploads every time all files.
Just an observation.
I once had this issue when the host had a different time to my own. If I updated the next day all was fine, otherwise everything on my PC appeared to be newer than files online.
I also experience unreliable updates when windows is updating in the background.
I am not aware generally of any known issues that you are experiencing I am sorry.
Thank you Esahc .. But I have this problem more then a week now. So I think there must me something else going on.
Ruud, I have marked your post for Incomedia's attention.
While you wait could you advise if the problem started the minute you used the latest version or did it start before or sometime after the update? Also, are you absolutely sure that you are not using any 3rd party AV/malware/firewall software.
One thing you could try is to export project to disk and then use filezilla or similar to upload the whole site. Does this alternative FTP solution work more reliably/faster? If not the issue may be with your host or internet connection?
Thank you Esahc ..
The problem started immediately after updating to the new version.
I am absolutely sure I am nog using any 3rd party AV/malware/firewall software.
I tried uploading with FileZilla. This worked absolutely fine. Fast and no errors. Thank you for this tip! So I figured, maybe there is something wrong with the connection between X5 and the server. So I changed the simultaneous connections in the Server Settings from 6 into 1. And, voilà, this worked perfect! Up till the last version I worked with 6 simultaneous connections. Now with only 1 it is working fine.
My host contacted the provider, to see if they made some changes. I do not have an answer yet.
The provider has not changed anything. The maximum FTP connections is 5! In the Server Settings the simultaneous connections was put on 6. This was not a problem in the past (I use this setting for several years already). But since the last version it became a problem with lots of errors as I mentioned above.
So maybe someone can explain to me why this was not a problem before and it is a problem now. Of course I changed it in my projects. But I am just curious why this was happening.
Hello Ruud
The connection issue is very complicated and doesn't really have much to do with the software itself.
For starters, nothing changed about this in the newest version. It is possible though that, as the website grows bigger, issues such as these may arise when the FTP connection isn't perfectly stable
The software will attempt to upload files. If more and more files start returning errors, the count of maximum available connections goes down due to the failed ones, thus resulting in this issue
However, limiting the number of connections can help with this because the file upload is handled more slowly thus lowering the risks of connection issues with the server
You can easily verify this by trying to upload a new project with the older version and with the newest one and see if there's any differences
In your case, I believe that lowering the maximum connection is the best way to solve this. You can try increasing it a little bit until you find the sweet spot for your situation
I hope I was helpful
Thank you Stefano. Now I understand what was happening. So I solved the problem by lowering the maximum connection.