Something for next release? 
Autor: John S.
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I would like to create something like this with X5:
How to do that?
Just joking - but - some new functions in X5 to make a page both informative AND graphically interesting, would be nice.
And I would like new functions in X5 - not as payable add-on objects.
Publicado en
Bootstrap e Webpack + programmazione in e React
8 persone tra ideazione, sviluppo, testi e programmazione.
Minimo 4.000 euro per creare solo quel paginone....
Mi accontenterei anche di molto meno come funzionalità rispetto a quelle ottenute lì... anche perchè per molte di quelle ovviamente non bastano degli oggetti , ma purtroppo ci vuole vera programmazione...
Ma no oggetti alla PartyPage ...
There is better webbuilders than X5 - but - X5 is a good tool to creating good-looking websites in a short time.
There is better Web-animators than WebAnimator - but - WebAnimator is a good tool to create-good looking animations in a short time.
As far as I know it is INCOMEDIA that is behind both products.
I have an idea for INCOMEDIA.
In WebAnimator it should be possible to have two kinds of "timeline"
1 should be as it is now
2 should be not on time but on scroll-position. Setting the page-length but animation stays in focus- kind of parallax)
If timeline could be set as scroll-position you would be able to have an animation react on the scroll position. And then it would be possible to make something similar.
Then you integrate the WebAnimator project into a X5 page and then a user would see things happen when the user scrolls down the page.
I think X5 and WebAnimator together could be a great tool.
Si sarebbe una bella idea.
Ma in realtà anche senza l'uso di Webanimator.
Molti effetti di rotazione, zoom, animazioni varie si possono già ottenere con i CSS e per mezzo del JavaScript attivarli in base allo scroll della pagina...
quindi "basterebbe" implementare queste cose per avere una marcia in più.
If INCOMEDIA would integrate their two products more, they would have a very strong product.
I know much can be made by html, CSS and Java - but - not all users want to do it that way. I think most users want a powerful tool that can do the "hard" work for them, so they "only" have to be creative.
I was thinking of a possibility to have a "WA"-object for which can be set a "height". This height should be a kind of parallax where the object is in focus even when scrolling - until the "height" is passed.
Then in the WA-object the same height should be set. This height should be the "timeline", where the scrolling rules the animation.
With the free Google web Designer it is possible to do something like that. It is made as a parallax.
I wish INCOMEDIA would be a frontrunner as they have the tools for it. It would give a boost to the product. Even if it is not as important as making the web-shop database oriented, I think it is important.
I hereby offer to be betatester for such a function/integration